I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 128: Fairy puppet

"Someone, come out!"

Jiang Ao let out a violent shout, and everyone on the scene changed dramatically.

Just now, they just watched Jiang Ao fighting with the powerful demon clan, but they never noticed that someone took this opportunity to approach them.

Had it not been for this moment, Jiang Ao had discovered the other side's whereabouts, and everyone on the scene would have been in danger.

"Boy, you are very wary. You call me Master Tongtian. In the past, people like you called me this way."

At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded from the void.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and everyone was stunned.

After a burst of dust, a huge black behemoth suddenly sprang out from under the ground.

"Suddenly? What the **** is this?"

Jiang Ao was shocked.

Just now, although he used his mental power to perceive the other party's existence, he did not expect that the other party would emerge from the ground.

If the other party hadn't done it right now, maybe many of them would have died.

"It's a fairy puppet!"

Zheng Chiguan's horrified voice sounded.

The expression on his face became uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Jiang Ao suddenly changed his expression.

"Fairy spirit puppet? How could there be such a thing?" Yan Lingtian also asked in shock.

The power of fairy puppets has long been verified on the ancient battlefield.

At that time, the true celestial and human beings used magic weapons at most steps, and they were all fighting with fairy puppets.

It is said that a fairy puppet of the lowest level is also comparable to a powerful person in the Tianmen realm.

If you are at a higher level, you can reach the fairyland.

That was a realm comparable to Qinghexian.

Don't say anything else, just a fairy puppet is enough to kill all of them.

"Don't be nervous, this guy doesn't seem to attack us."

Jiang Ao frowned and quickly comforted everyone.

At this moment, the fairy puppet walked directly towards him.

"Little guy, you seem to have an aura familiar to your master. Please tell me, where is the master?"

The fairy puppet spoke lightly.

Although it sounds like he cares about his master, his expressionless language makes everyone feel weird.

"Your master? Who?"

"The master used to grow in a mountain stream, and after he became a fairy, he has always been called Qinghe."


Jiang Aoqing couldn't help but blurt out.

Jiang Ao couldn't think that the fairy puppet he encountered was the fairy puppet of Qinghe.

"Well, she was called by this name before. Please tell me where exactly is she?"

"Tell me first, how did you perceive the relationship between me and Qinghexian?"

"You have the breath left by your master. Not long ago, I also noticed another little guy with the breath left by the master. However, the people around her are not easy to deal with, so I dare not go out and ask her. "The fairy puppet said.

Hearing this, Jiang Ao couldn't help being ecstatic.

In the entire funeral mountain, if anyone can get the inheritance of the Qinghe Immortal, who else can be besides Lan'er.

Doesn't this mean that the fairy puppet in front of you knows the whereabouts of Lan'er?

"Master Tongtian, please tell me their whereabouts. To tell you the truth, the little guy you just noticed is a direct disciple of Qinghexian. If you can find her, you can know the whereabouts of your master. "

Jiang Ao looked excited.

I didn't expect that Lan'er's whereabouts was actually inquired from a fairy puppet.

Just as he was looking forward to it, the fairy puppet looked at him and shook his head.

"I'm afraid it's too late. They went to that place. Where, it's a place that even I'm afraid of. Besides, I can't go there without the master's order. My task is to protect this place from being invaded by the demons."

The answer from Xianling Puppet Machinery disappointed Jiang Ao.

But in the next moment, he was refreshed.

"But if you can't go, I can go. Please tell me where they went?"

"Lanyuan Valley. It used to be a place to seal the power of the Demon Race. It is extremely dangerous. You have gone, nine deaths and no life."

"Thank you for letting me know. Besides, since we dare to appear here this time, we naturally won't be afraid of death."

After Jiang Ao finished speaking, he was about to let everyone rest here for a while, and then proceeded to set off, but the fairy puppet flipped his palm and directly stuffed something into his hand.

"This is a temporary natal card that can temporarily control me. It was left by the master before. I wanted to give it to her, but she went to Lan Yuan Valley. I can only give it to you." The fairy puppet said.

Jiang Ao is overjoyed!

Although it only temporarily controls the fairy puppet.

This is a very good thing for Jiang Ao.

At least, so that he can save his life at a critical moment.

"So, I really want to thank you. Besides, if you have a map of Lan Yuan Valley, please give me a copy too."

"no problem."

The fairy puppet gave Jiang Ao a map of Lan Yuan Valley.

After Jiang Ao led the people to meditate for a while, then he moved on.

With a map, they wouldn't be able to wander around in the real fairy ruins.

On the way, after Jiang Ao and others avoided a lot of dangerous places, they soon appeared near the valley mouth of Lanyuan Valley.

The aura here is still strong.

The difference is that there are many evil spirits and evil spirits around here.

The mottled aura makes it very difficult for ordinary people to absorb the spiritual power scattered between the sky and the earth.

Jiang Ao didn't need to worry about this problem, he must have a Spirit Gathering Orb in his hand.

You can gather the aura between heaven and earth at any time for him to refine.

But he didn't know that when Jiang Ao and the others appeared in Lan Yuan Valley, the ghost ghost had already appeared at the foot of a big mountain in the depths of Lan Yuan Valley with the strong ghost ghost door.

"is it here?"

The gaze of the ghost ghost swept across the lofty mountain.

His expression suddenly became extremely excited.

"Yes, sect master. According to the results of our investigation, this is the famous Demon Mountain that year. And the Demon Lord, it is also sealed here."

"It's great. Our ghost clan is in the same line as the demon clan. What's more, our ghost clan was established by the demon lord himself. This time, if we rescue him, we will definitely have a lot of credit. Let's start." Ghost evil **** Jundao.

"Yes, Sect Master. However, it is not only Lord Potian Demon Lord who is sealed here. When we came here last time, we also met him. If he makes another move, what shall we do?"

"Haha, he has prepared everything he needs for him. The old man doesn't believe it. He has to fight with us for life and death if he gets enough benefits for such a small thing. Go and take that little girl. Come up, let this **** first talk to him about terms."

The ghost ghost laughed loudly.

Soon, people brought Lan'er to the front.

At this moment, in the intact towering mountains, suddenly there was an angry shout.

"The remnants of the ghost clan, come to Tian Kunshan again, looking for death!"

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