I Have A Demon God Simulator

Chapter 254: 1 family should be neat and tidy

Jiang Xingdao, the founder of Taixuanzong, created his own "Taixuan Qijue", which is infinitely mysterious and varied. It is a very powerful Qigong method!


Jiang Banxia inherited her father's mantle and began to practice Qi since she was a child, and she has already memorized "Tai Xuan Qi Jue" by heart.


But Su Mu didn't know much about qi refining and couldn't teach her.


He is extremely accomplished in martial arts, and few people in the Kyushu world can match him.


Even if the cultivation civilization of Tianyuan Realm is more developed and powerful, there is no problem in teaching a little girl.


If Jiang Banxia is talented, Su Mu can teach her all the way to the Martial God Realm!




In the dream world, Su Mu began to spread martial arts.


Although the realm is extremely high, he can explain the most basic knowledge in the most simple and easy-to-understand words.


In addition, Jiang Banxia has a good understanding, and he will soon get started.


Su Mu specially selected a basic exercise suitable for women to practice for her to help her get through the early stage.


It will not be too late to change the high-level exercises after Jiang Banxia has cultivated to the Innate Realm.


In this way, Jiang Midia kept cultivating at night.


At night, she learns, comprehends the exercises and exercises in her dreams.


During the day, she practiced hard and made rapid progress!


Although you can't really practice in the dream world, you can learn and practice.


This greatly accelerated Jiang Banxia's cultivation progress!


She could feel that she was getting stronger every day.


This made Jiang Banxia very excited.


The hope of revenge is right in front of you!


Jiang Banxia didn't know that Su Mu had already figured out Taixuanzong's situation during this time.


But he was not in a hurry, but was waiting for the right moment.


Like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark!




Su Mu didn't wait too long, and soon the prey arrived by himself.


One day more than a month later, Jiang Banxia was practicing palm techniques in the dream world, while Su Mu was pointing her.


Teaching and teaching, Su Mu suddenly stopped, showing a wicked smile.


"Those enemies of yours finally couldn't bear it anymore."


"Is someone here to kill me? Come and ask the master to protect me."


Hearing this, Jiang Banxia put aside her posture and respectfully asked Su Mu.


On the first day of teaching, Jiang Banxia recognized Su Mu as his master and performed the disciple ceremony.


Su Mu didn't accept or refute it, it was a default.


"Two little characters in the innate realm, killing them like chicken ribs, boring."


"You hurry up and improve your strength, there will be no next time."


Nightmare can absorb the power generated by the collapsed soul in the dream world, thereby enhancing its own strength.


But for Su Mu, a martial artist in the Innate Realm is a bit unattractive, if he usually doesn't bother to kill him.


This time, for the sake of Jiang Banxia's use value, I will help her again.


In this way, she can't improve her strength in a short period of time. If she needs Su Mu's help next time when encountering such a trivial matter, he will most likely abandon this piece and find another one.


"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"


"Thank you, Master! The disciple must cultivate well, and next time you encounter such a trivial matter, you will never trouble your old man again."


Jiang Banxia sensed a little dissatisfaction in Su Mu's heart.


She felt nervous, her sense of crisis exploded, and she immediately expressed her attitude.


The only person she can rely on now is Su Mu!


Su Mu didn't care what Jiang Banxia said, only what she did.


So she disappeared into the dream world before she could finish saying those words.


After Su Mu left, Jiang Banxia didn't dare to delay at all, and started cultivating you even more desperately. ,


This is the last chance, she must seize it!




Outside the cave, two figures were hidden in the dark, quietly observing this side.


"What's going on with this little girl? She hasn't come out once for so many days, so she won't die inside, right?"


"I don't know, wow! The master asked us to keep an eye on her and report anything in time. But she didn't change anything, what can we report?"


"Why don't you go in and take a look. It's just a little girl's film anyway, and even if you have some talents, it's far from the time to show off."


"Okay, let's go in and have a look."


The two inner disciples of the Xiantian realm discussed it, and they were going to sneak into Jiang Banxia's cave to check the situation.


The two of them were originally watching from a distance, but after staring at the air for more than a month, they couldn't stand it anymore, so they decided to sneak in and investigate.


After agreeing to their opinions, the two of them pasted a few more talismans with invisibility and restraining Qi on their bodies, and then they were ready to leave.


But who knew that just after taking a step, the ground under their feet suddenly turned into a black quagmire!




The two screamed and stepped into the quagmire at the same time, and most of their legs were instantly engulfed.


The most terrifying thing was that they felt that there were countless pairs of wet, greasy and disgusting palms in the quagmire, and they were dragging them downwards!


"What's going on? Where does this kind of thing come from in the sect!"


"There's something in the quagmire! I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to be dragged down!"


"No! Don't devour me, help, Master!"


The quagmire rapidly expanded, engulfing them all.


After only two or three screams, the two disappeared in place, engulfed by the strange quagmire.


After the two disappeared, the ground returned to normal.


A faint phantom appeared where they were standing just now, and an equally illusory black butterfly was heard on their shoulders.


Yes, this is no longer the real world, but a dream world!


The huge black butterfly on Su Mu's shoulder is the fourth-order evil that can make people dream.


Although the master was powerless to resist, he was able to find something strange.


But these two warriors of the Innate Realm will not be able to do it.


The two of them fell asleep without a sound and were dragged into a dream without knowing it!


This is very scary!


Without the slightest precaution, the lethality of the dream world will more than double.


Dealing with these two people is as simple as pinching an ant to death.


Su Mu can even think of a hundred ways to kill them!


But he wasn't so bored. After killing the two of them and drawing on the weak strength, he dragged the corpse back.


Naturally, these two corpses will be handed over to Jiang Banxia to deal with.


This is why Su Mu needs a helper, to clean up the traces of the murder for him, don't think in the direction of demons.




The night passed, and the warm sun rose.


Although he has turned into a demon, after so many years in the dark and chaotic Kyushu world, Su Mu misses the normal environment quite a bit.


He floated outside the cave, lazily receiving the sunlight and breeze, feeling somewhat comfortable.


As for Jiang Banxia, ​​she naturally cultivated hard in the cave, and even Su Mu was stupefied by how hard she worked!


Although in the dream world, the body can also rest, but the efficiency of rest is very low, and you will still be tired after waking up.


Only a lunatic can practice day and night like her.


One person and one demon, each doing their own thing, but it is also harmonious.


But on the other side, someone has already gotten angry.


"No news, completely lost contact! It seems that my two disciples have been killed!"


Elder Sun's heart was dripping blood.


Although he has the cultivation of the late Grandmaster, his combat power is average, and his position in the sect is not high.


I finally received two potential disciples, but I didn't expect that I was just carrying out a stalking task, but I was stalked!


"Sect Master, you have to decide for me! Old man, I expected those two boys to inherit my mantle, but in the end, they all fell into the hands of that little witch!"

Elder Sun's wrinkled old face huddled into a ball and cried to Xie Xin.


"Okay, okay! This Sect Master will handle this matter!"


Xie Xin was upset by the shouting, and waved to Elder Sun to shut up.


He knew that several pieces of spiritual treasures of his good eldest brother were all on Jiang Banxia's body.


But I didn't expect these spirit treasures to be so powerful, that a little girl from the Houtian realm could silently kill two inner disciples of the Xiantian realm!


The cultivation of the acquired realm is so powerful when it is activated, so what if he got it?


Thinking of this, Xie Xin's heart is hot!


He has made up his mind, no matter what method he uses, he must get those treasures within three years.


However, if possible, try not to tear your face to avoid turmoil in the sect.


Considering this, Xie Xin suppressed the urgency in his heart and said to Elder Sun:


"Since your apprentice is dead, it's up to you."


"I'll give you one month, and make sure to give this sect master Jiang Banxia's bottom line."


"She has those spirit treasures and what abilities she has. Also, pay attention to Lu Yun, she may contact that little girl secretly."


Hearing this, Elder Sun had a bitter expression on his face.


"Lord Sect Master, it's not difficult to find out the little demon girl's bottom line. But Elder Lu... I can't deal with it!"


Although they are all elders, Lu Yun is one of the founders of Taixuan Sect and a strong martial artist.


If she wanted to kill Elder Sun, it would probably be a snap.


"What are you afraid of? The Sect Master will stare at her in person. She can't do it herself. At most, she will send a few confidants over there."


Xie Xin's expression was calm, and he didn't like Elder Sun's timid temperament.


But Elder Sun, who has always been steady, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this.


He has been counseling all his life, for hundreds of years, but he can't have an accident at this juncture when he is about to go to bed!


"This subordinate understands. Sect Master, don't worry, I don't want to fight my old bones, and I have to check that little demon girl clearly!"


Elder Sun slapped his chest with a loud bang, as if he was dying.


Those who knew it knew that he was going to investigate a twelve-year-old girl from the acquired realm.


I don't know, I thought he was going to fight with the powerhouses in the Martial God Realm.


"go Go."


The more Xie Xin looked at him, the more annoyed he became. He waved his hand and wanted to send him away.


"My subordinate has retired."


Elder Sun was very self-aware and left after bowing.


In fact, he was completely helpless to do so.


Two promising disciples all died, and for the rest of his life, he could only rely on the sect to take care of him.


"Hey~ I knew this earlier, but I had to try to attack the Martial God Realm after all my life. If it's... that's all, what's the use of mentioning it now?"


"Anyway, I still have the ability to deal with a little witch."


Elder Sun took a deep breath, put away the sullen look, and a confident light flashed in his eyes.


He knew how many spiritual treasures Jiang Banxia had in his hands, but so what?


No matter how powerful a spirit treasure is, it needs someone to control it.


Xiaoer holds a big sword, so it's not bad if he doesn't cut himself!


"There's still a month left, let's go in a few days."


With this in mind, Elder Sun flew to his cave.


He planned to recuperate for a few days to calm down the pain of the bereaved before going to deal with the little witch.




Jiang Banxia has imagined countless times the scene where she used the martial arts ultimate move for the first time after leaving the mountain.


Is it because the enemy you killed cried for his father and mother, or did he win hard after a hard battle, or was he defeated in a hard fight?


But she never imagined that the first time she used martial arts was to dig a hole and bury a corpse!


In the depths of the cave, a secret room was opened.




With a loud noise, Jiang Banxia slapped the ground with a palm, finally completing the final step of digging the pit.


Then, she threw the two corpses with distorted faces and full of horror in their eyes and buried them hastily.


"Master, why didn't you destroy these two corpses?"


After finishing her work, Jiang Banxia clapped her hands and asked Su Mu with some doubts.


The previous martial arts master was destroyed by him.


Although some strength was wasted, there are no traces left.


So Jiang Banxia didn't understand why Su Mu asked her to do this.


"Don't ask things that shouldn't be asked, go to practice martial arts."


Su Mu didn't choose to answer, the flat voice made Jiang Banxia shrink her head, looking a little scared.




She obediently agreed, followed the secret passage and left the secret room, and continued to practice.


Su Mu glanced at her and returned to the secret room again.


Around this secret room, he stepped out of the Great Yin Gathering Formation.


Throwing the corpse here is in the hope of nurturing a little evil spirit.


After leaving the Kyushu world, the [Abyss] stopped, and it was impossible to create new evil things.


Su Mu didn't know when he would be able to go back.


So I wanted to try to see if I could create an environment similar to the Kyushu world, so as to provide him with some evil things.


"Two corpses of the Innate Realm are not enough, more are needed."


After looking around, Su Mu muttered to himself.


After hearing this vaguely, Jiang Banxia only felt a chill creeping up in her heart, causing her to shiver.


These plain words made her seem to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!


But Jiang Pinxia was very happy.


Those ungrateful enemies don't deserve to be human!


Dying in pain is what they deserve!




After resting for seven consecutive days, Elder Sun took action at the urging of Sect Master Xie Xin.


After observing outside for three days, he, like the two apprentices, didn't find anything alike.


Jiang Banxia hasn't come out since she entered.


Helpless, in the middle of the night on the third day, Elder Sun chose to explore the cave dwelling at night.


He restrained his breath, and the whole person sneaked in like a shadow.


"Huh? Why does this little witch sleep standing up?"


Elder Sun saw Jiang Banxia sprinting there without moving, watching his breath fall into a deep sleep.


This made him doubtful and had an ominous premonition.


"It's weird, let's leave first."


Adhering to the word "steady" ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Elder Sun, a master of the late Grandmaster, chose to retreat without hesitation.


But this time, no matter how prudent he is, he has no chance.


All around the cave mansion was lit up with spiritual lights, shrouding him!


Under the light of these hazy auras, Elder Sun's consciousness sank, and he instantly became confused. His eyelids seemed to weigh thousands of pounds and kept falling down.


"No, there is a maze! There are scams here!"


He realized that it was wrong, but it was too late to regret it.


The formation that stepped down in advance was combined with the fourth-order evil, and Elder Sun was powerless to resist. After holding on for three breaths, he fell asleep.


You can see that his eyelids are shaking frantically!


At this time, if you sense the slightest crisis in the real world, you will wake up immediately.


It's a pity that Su Mu will only entertain this Elder Sun in a dream.


After killing the apprentice and coming to the master, let the family reunite well!




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