Not only Hokage, the other four shadows are basically the same.

Even if it is Uchiha Obito, in order to install the water shadow, people have to perform the basic functions of the water shadow conscientiously. Is it so easy to install the water shadow? Not to mention 007, 997 is the most basic.

The so-called five shadows, the five ninjas standing at the top of the ninja world, their lives can be fully summarized in one sentence.

Wake up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, eat worse than pigs, and dry more than cows!

This sentence is not an exaggeration at all, let's take the work and rest of Qianshou Tobirama.

Every morning before dawn, I have to get up to brush my teeth and rinse my mouth, take a shower and change my clothes, and then go to the office to approve the documents sent in the afternoon the previous day in advance. Breakfast is also eaten at this time, so don’t pursue any taste and exquisiteness.

Since each order has to be carefully read, and the eyes have to rest in the middle, it is usually nine o'clock in the morning when he is finished.

Then it is to listen to the reports of various departments, most of which are the deliberation of specific projects that require him to make decisions. The time spent depends on the number of topics, so wait for his next meeting, at least eleven o'clock.

Thought you were ready to eat? Eat a fart! He also needs to hold a special meeting with the senior executives of Anbu, and the people from Anbu have been waiting outside the meeting for a long time.

When everything was done, it was 12:30 at the earliest, but he had to go to work at 1:00 in the afternoon, so he only had half an hour, so he could eat something to deal with it, and take a lunch break after squatting on the sofa for ten minutes.

In the afternoon, that is the time to go out to do errands, go to the administrative department to check for leaks and fill vacancies, go to the ninja school to check the progress, go to Anbu to check the completion of the task and so on.

After all the routine work of the day has been tossed down, I have to get off work at 10 o'clock in the evening at the earliest.

But he still had to do experiments or something, so he finally went home, one o'clock in the morning, perfectly missing the prime time for sleep.

And at this time, Qianshou Wuji was already sleeping sweetly with his sister in his arms.

So, Shadow, the bull and horse of Ninja Village is also!

Uchiha Shingen has always firmly believed that only if his brain is kicked by a donkey will he want to be a shadow, no matter which shadow it is, it is the same.

The dishes were brought to the table one by one. Minato Namikaze greeted everyone warmly and sat down. Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto hugged two little devils. They had far more fun with children than eating.

This meal was quite pleasant.

After the meal was full, the men and women chose their own hobbies.

The two Destiny Children continued to entertain their mothers.

The three men who were obviously redundant here were first in charge of hygiene, and then were driven out for a walk by the women.

After leaving the Hokage House, the three of them took a walk on the road to digest their food.

As the most prosperous area of ​​Konoha, people come and go on the streets, the lights are bright, and there is joy everywhere.

This scene made Namikaze Minato rejoice from the bottom of his heart.

Until Uchiha Shingen curiously asked him, "Lord Hokage, why haven't you worked overtime these days?"

Namikaze Minato suddenly stiffened, and then pulled out a strong smile.

"It's alright, I have a few days off. I've concentrated on these few days."

tsk tsk! As expected of Hokage, you can take public holidays at any time!

Uchiha Shingen decided to take back the previous point a little bit.

Being a movie still has some perks.

For example, give yourself a fake note.

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Shingen again, too lazy to speak.

Anyway, it wasn't him who was embarrassed. Besides, was he less embarrassed in the past?

It's good to change someone.

The three big men fell silent and walked for a while.

In the end, Minato Minato broke the silence.

"That, Xin Xuan, let me ask you something."

"Lord Hokage, just say it."

"Oh, don't be so senile, just call me by my name." Minato Namikaze is not used to hearing the name "Hokage-sama" in his own time, which will make him feel like he is still working overtime, "You are not good enough. Sir, do you understand?"

"This is a bit difficult to answer." Uchiha Shingen sighed, "I should understand it."

Ask me if I understand myself? This is a big proposition.

It's not like the saying goes, the one who doesn't know yourself the most is yourself.

"The family's records of Wuzu adults are not comprehensive." Uchiha Fuyue added.

He was not surprised why Uchiha Shingen knew that he was incapable, after all, he was a frequent visitor to the family library.

The Uchiha family has a lot of black materials that are handicapped.

"Really..." Minato Namikaze thought for a while, "Actually, my understanding is not comprehensive, and the one who understands Wuzu adults the most should be the three generations of old people."

They know shit.

Uchiha Shingen silently complained in his heart.

He was the headmaster by then.

If you really want to say that there are only a few people who know him.

"However, Lord Wuzu was one of the very important figures when the village was established, so many people do have ideas about his legacy." Minato Namikaze said to Uchiha Shingen, "So, Shingen, although some people will They are more impatient, but they don't necessarily have bad thoughts, you must know that there were many admirers of Lord Wuzun back then."

admirers? I do not know how?

Uchiha Shingen was shocked.

Are those people masochistic?

"Let me warn you first." Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Shingen's shocked expression, very satisfied, and felt that his thoughts must have been well conveyed, "The elder Ziji of the Hyuga clan asked me to send it to you. invite."


"She invited you to the Hinata clan as a guest."

What the hell! So Ziji is still alive! ? Because Er Zhoumu had never heard of such a person in the Hyuga clan, he thought that Yin and Yang had long been separated.

No... reward him again! ?

Oh, he's Uchiha Shingen now, so it'll be fine.

Chapter 39 Like Yesterday

Unlike the Uchiha clan, the Hinata clan, which occupies a larger area, is located in Beicheng.

Of the eight ninja tribes, only Uchiha is not in Beicheng.

But because, like the Uchiha clan, it is also the Hyuga clan with an isolation design, which is in the west of Beicheng District.

The Hokage Building assigned this area to Hyuga. At first, it also had the idea of ​​​​with the help of the Hyuga clan, and the idea of ​​​​adding an extra warning belt for free.

The idea was successful.

The Hinata clan's clan land, even the people in the village are not very close.

If the Uchiha clan is connected with the police department and the prison, the villagers are kept away subconsciously, then the Hinata clan is because the atmosphere of the traditional big family is too strong, which makes everyone walk around here inexplicably. You will feel serious, so you don't want to get close.

But that's just the front door area.

Because it is closely connected to the wasteland to the west, the Hyuga clan has ample room to play, and their buildings are all single-storey.

In terms of architectural style, the central building that always faces the south is the core, and various non-open-air corridors and bridges are built in an arrangement to connect the secondary buildings. These secondary buildings will surround Main building arrangement.

Antique is heavier.

What the Uchiha family likes to say is-too tossing.

The Hyuga clan is definitely the most disciplined clan in Konohayin Village.

However, the Hinatas are playing behind closed doors, and everyone just laments the difficulty of the big family, but they don't feel that Hinata is pretentious.

When Uchiha went to the Hyuga clan, it was already the afternoon of the second day.

In the second week, he didn't have much dealings with Hinata, that is, when he was fighting with Kirin, he often went on missions with Hinata's ninja.

White eyes, it's really useful...

As soon as Uchiha Shingen arrived at the door of the Hyuga clan, someone came to pick him up.

Looking far, it can really be seamlessly connected.

The people from the Rixiang family are very polite, and this kind of politeness is different from the one in Zhoumu, and it is much more sincere.

Speaking of which, Hyuga still has many comrades-in-arms.

Not too far into the Hyuga clan, I saw one.

"Xinxuan, long time no see." A Sun Shinobi walked over and smiled.

"Ah, it's you who is serious, you are being so polite." Uchiha Shingen felt kindly when he saw the person coming, "Why didn't you go to the land of soup with your brother before?"

Hyuga Masashige was Uchiha Shingen's most frequent partner in the third war. He also has an old brother named Hyuga Masaru.

However, Uchiha Shingen and Hyuga are not very familiar with each other.

"No way, there are other things to do." Hyuga Masaki put his hand on Uchiha Shingen's shoulder affectionately, "Go, I will take you to see the elders."

With Hinata Masashige, the original Hinata receptionist consciously retreated.

Although the clan division system is criticized, it is not a complete master-servant relationship. Even people who divide clans have their due status as Shangren.

Of course, when something happens, the differences between the clan divisions will still be reflected.

But Hyuga Masaki, as a branch family, still feels good to people. At least in this person, there is no negative energy to blame others, and the whole person is still positive and energetic.

Soon, the two walked to a large house.

The large house is single-storey, the ground floor is raised off the ground with wooden pillars, and the roof is all made of planks and covered with ceramic tiles.

Climb up the wooden stairs, go around the corridor, and finally open a painted sliding door.

"The elder is inside. She named her to see her alone, so I won't accompany you in." Hyuga said with a heavy smile.

"Okay, don't go away first, let's have two drinks together when we're done."

"Okay, by the way, the elder's temper is not very good, you should take more responsibility."

She has a bad temper...

"Don't worry, I am famous in the village for respecting the old and loving the young." Uchiha Shingen waved his hand and entered the house.

He saw the woman sitting in front of him at a glance.

Hyuga Ziji is a little older than Sarutobi Hizan, but not by much.

But there is one thing, she is definitely better maintained than Sarutobi Hizan, at least as the little princess of the Hi Xiangzong family back then, she was originally a protected object, because her irascible father was a daughter slave.

In the first week, there was only that irascible uncle in Quan Rixiang, his eyes were not eyes, and his nose was not his nose.

Time has left enough traces on Hyuga Ziji's body.

Her skin is well maintained, her once petite face shape and delicate facial features have changed a lot, the corners of her eyes have climbed up with fish tail marks, and her big eyes have lost their former agility. , her hair has turned white, and her lips are tightly pursed under the high bridge of her nose, showing that she is a little nervous.

Uchiha Shingen walked to the cushion in front of her, knelt down and sat down, his expression unchanged, but his mood was very complicated.

The splendor of the past is still like yesterday.

The figure of the crying and leaving couldn't help but emerge in his mind.

"Lord Xinxuan." Hyuga Ziji spoke, her gentle and soft voice sounded a little hoarse, "It is rumored in the village that you have found his burial place."

"This is a misinformation." Uchiha Shingen shook his head, "It's just an arsenal."

"Arsenal... It's really what he likes to say." Hyuga Ziji was recalled by this term, she looked at the young man in front of her carefully, "Xinxuan-kun is not yet twenty?"

"Soon." Uchiha Shingen said.

Logically speaking, the other party is the elder of Hinata, he should use the honorary title, but...

Too embarrassed.

However, he is the arrogant Uchiha anyway, so it doesn't matter if he is a little less polite.

Only at this time, the black settings of various additions to Uchiha in the past made him think it was a good thing.

"Lord Xinxuan, the reincarnation of dirty soil is a technique that he spent a lot of energy on. Apart from him, there is no other way to get rid of it. Why did he leave such a loophole?"

"I don't know about that. Maybe I thought about it before I died." Uchiha Xinxuan tried his best to make up the reason. "Everyone is dead, so there is no need to toss."

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