Chapter 72 Bad Boss! (Sixth more first order)

Xiao Li, the secretary of Dolphin Bone, frowned slightly.

However, there is a touching smile on his face.

This scene seemed a little strange.

Xiao Li glanced angrily, and Chu Feng, who was lying on the table next to him, was napping.

“Bad guy, I almost killed someone!”

Her pretty face was covered with red clouds.

Among them, there is a seductive charm that has never been seen before.

Xiao Li quickly ordered the meal, and then ordered a classic “To Alice”.

Before long, a man in a white suit came to the large piano table.

Immediately afterwards, several women danced to the rhythm of the music.

Xiao Li looked at it. The man playing the piano shook his head.

“Compared with Chu Feng, it’s ugly!”

Xiao Li, who secretly sighed, walked behind Chu Feng, stretched out half-and-half jade fingers, and massaged Chu Feng’s acupuncture points on his head.

A piece of tune will soon be finished.

The man in a white suit walked over from the piano stage.

Beautiful “lady, do you have any other tracks you want to listen to?”

Xiao Li shook her head: “No need.”

“Beautiful lady, from the piece you ordered, I can see that you are a very delicate woman with a high level of cultivation and cultural connotation. I think we should have a common topic.”

“You can go now, don’t disturb my friend to rest.

“Maybe you will need me in the future. This is my business card. The beautiful woman after 05 needs it at any time and provides services at any time.”

The man put down a golden business card, turned and left.

Xiao Li didn’t even look at it and threw it away.

Before long, some delicacies ordered by Xiao Li were delivered.


Xiao Li shook Chu Feng gently.

Chu Feng opened his eyes: “Hey! Eat and eat!”

“Boss, what are you laughing at?”

“A very happy thing.”

Chu Feng just heard the system prompt that there are san star cores coming in this direction.

Last time, a damaged fifth-level star core gave Chu Feng a fifty-point source.

And now, there are two damaged nuclei of level 5 and one damaged nucleus of level 6.

Chu Feng conservatively estimates that after swallowing, there are hundreds of points of source power!

The fourth evolution is basically stable!

Of course, Chu Feng would definitely not tell Xiao Li about the evolution of the planet swallowed by outer space.

He just smiled and said: “I am happy, my beautiful secretary Xiao Li will be my woman from now on.”

Hearing what Chu Feng said, the smile on Xiao Li’s face became even more charming.

The two talked while eating.

After chatting, I came to this Michelin-starred restaurant.

“Boss, it’s really bizarre that someone else is a tire company that can influence restaurants in almost the world!”

Chu Feng nodded: “In the future, we will definitely be able to do better than him.”

Later, after the Chu Feng business empire acquired Michelin, Xiao Li still remembered this sentence.

The taste of the Michelin-starred restaurant is really good, and Chu Feng thinks that it can also develop catering.

For the time being, Chu Feng still doesn’t think about it.

If the steps are too large, it is easy to chew the eggs.

Of course, the key is that Chu Feng does not have enough talents.

Currently, Chang Kai is in charge of hotel chains, Xiao Li is in charge of investment companies, and Fang Fang is in charge of private schools.

As for the catering industry, even if Chu Feng has the money to invest, there is no suitable person to take charge.

For recruiting talents or something, Chu Feng doesn’t have this idea yet.

Before he knew it, Chu Feng thought of Princess Sophia, a stunning blonde and blue-eyed beauty.

This is the only woman who is as beautiful as her sister Liu Ruyan.

Nor “I don’t know, has Sophia returned to her kingdom now? I don’t know if she inherited the position of king of the kingdom, is it smooth?”

Chu Feng missed Princess Sophia’s red lips very much.

More than half an hour later.

Chu Feng and Xiao Li almost finished their dinner.

At this time, the system prompts Chu Feng that one of the five-level damaged star cores has arrived nearby.

“Xiao Li, have you eaten well? Do you want to order more?”

“I’m done, boss.”

“Okay, come over and help me press my head again. You press-motor skills are okay.

Chu Feng intends to consciously enter outer space for a while, let Xiao Li massage her brain acupuncture points, so as not to let herself continue to pretend to sleep on the table.

It looks too low in that way.

Chu Feng closed his eyes when Xiao Li gently pressed and rubbed the acupuncture points on his head, and his consciousness descended into outer space.

He found that a small red star core was not far away.

A few minutes later, Chu Feng swallowed more than a dozen meteorites along the road, and came to the vicinity of the pale red grade 5 damaged star core.

Ding Dong!

“Host, are you starting to swallow the nucleus now?”


Ding Dong!

“Swallowing the nucleus, there are still ten minutes, twenty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds before the swallowing is complete.

It took a full hour and a half to swallow the lavender five-level damaged star core last time.

Now, after the San’s evolution, it only takes half an hour to swallow almost the same nucleus.

In the next moment, Chu Feng’s consciousness returned.

Xiao Li, “Have you learned the pressing-and-motor technique? It’s pretty good.”

“This is what my little aunt taught me. If my little uncle is tired, she will help press it like this. Isn’t it very comfortable?”

“Comfortable without you in the car.

Chu Feng told the truth.

Xiao Liqing sighed: “Bad boss!

As a secretary, you don’t need Chu Feng, the boss of Chu Feng, to go there for such trivial matters as checkout.

Next to the cash register, the man in a white suit who had played the piano before, looked at Xiao Li who came by, and greeted enthusiastically:

“Beautiful lady, your boyfriend, you are so innocent, I think you can change your friend.

“You are wrong. He is not my boyfriend, but my boss.

Xiao Li quickly settled the bill and left. She did not notice that the eyes of the man in the white suit were particularly bright.

He slowly followed Xiao Li, and waited for Xiao Li and Chu Feng to leave the Michelin restaurant some distance away.

The man in the white suit walked up quickly.

“Boss, hello!” The man stopped in front of Chu Feng and said quickly: “I am the senior manager of Yepu Nightclub. Our Yepu Nightclub can meet all the requirements you want and give you the most luxurious enjoyment. ,


Chu Feng was a little drunk, and he didn’t go to the club for the night. How could he be targeted by such a guy?

“Boss, I played piano for you not long ago, do you remember… Our nightclub provides Loli Yu-Sister-Wife Student-Sister-Mai and other projects, absolutely true and absolutely satisfying you ..


What’s wrong with ri, why are you being targeted by chickens and ducks?

Moreover, this guy also said that he would change his wife, and seemed to want to develop Xiao Li’s business.

Are you looking for death?

The man in the white suit gave Chu Feng a resentful look at Chu Feng: “You will regret it!”

Slap! slap!

Chu Feng slapped it again.

Pull it directly to the ground.

The man in the white suit gave Chu Feng a lingering look. I really don’t understand why Chu Feng has such great strength.

He was about to be stunned.

He looked at the license plate number of the president of Maserati next to him, and said in a cold voice: “Dare to hit me? Brother Eagle will not let you go!”

Fearing that Chu Feng beat him, the man in the white suit turned around and ran.



Wouldn’t I beat you if I run?

Since the last time Chu Feng has swallowed the starry sky and evolved the star body, he has received planetary rewards, and then randomly drawn a lottery.

Some ordinary pebbles are placed in his system space.

Anytime, anywhere, you can pick up people from long distances.

Chu Feng took out a small stone and flicked it with his fingers.

The pebbles were like bullets out of the chamber, accurately hitting the man in the white suit, in an incredible place behind him.


A loud scream, and then fell to the ground, blood stained on the ku. ”

Chrysanthemum-flower remnant, wounded all over the floor…

The man in the white suit almost fainted in pain.

He looked at Xiao Li and Chu Feng resentfully, and drove away.

Take out the cell phone and start calling.

“Brother Ying, Si Ye is in a bad mood, I specially found a top beauty for Si Ye…

“Send people here.”

“She…she ran away, and I was beaten by them.”

“Useless things!”

“Brother Ying, that woman is really beautiful. If you give it to the Fourth Master, the Fourth Master will definitely be in a good mood.”

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