Chapter 61 A Competent New Secretary (seeking an evaluation of flowers)

The dolphin buttocks Xiaoli suddenly stood up solemnly.

“Boss, I have one thing to apply to you, hoping to get your approval.”

Chu Feng nodded: “You said.”

“Boss, I have resigned from the position of deputy governor of the branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, so I nominated myself and applied to become the boss’s full-time secretary, and I was also responsible for all the business of the investment company.”

So he nominated himself to be a secretary?

This dolphin-butted Xiao Li really has the future of being a secretary.

I can figure out what the boss thinks very well.

She doesn’t need the boss to speak, she can do it in advance.

Chu Feng didn’t speak, but Fang Ya, the big-chested sister, said in surprise: “Xiao Li, you…you have actually resigned from the position of vice president of the bank?”

Fang Ya’s eyes widened, with an extremely incredible expression.

Where is the bank?

That is an iron rice bowl.

No, it’s a golden rice bowl!

Besides, Xiao Li, who is young, is not an ordinary bank clerk.

She has become the vice president!

Unexpectedly, he resigned from the position of extremely superior bank vice president without saying a word.

Let alone Fang Ya is incredible, even Fang Fang, Chang Shuxin, and Chang Kai feel incredible.

Liu Ruyan, Chu Feng’s younger sister, also watched in amazement, this young lady who gave herself a million-dollar limited edition watch.

Her good friend Xiaofen Xiaoyan has said more than once that she hopes to be able to work in a bank in the future.

There, work is easy, income is stable, and it looks decent.

“If I go back, tell Xiaofen Xiaoyan and the others, the bank clerk they dream of, the boss’s boss…the bank’s deputy governor.”

“Just to become my brother’s secretary, without even thinking about it, I resigned from the position of vice president.”

“A few of them will definitely have their eyes popped!”

Regarding Xiao Li’s application, Chang Shuxin, the personal secretary of Long Legs, has some understanding.

However, she thought Xiao Li was joking.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true!

Xiao Li’s situation is different from her own.

Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to apply to become Chu Feng’s secretary.

The meaning of it, Chang Shuxin, as a personal secretary, understands.

Everyone looked at Xiao Li incredulously, and then at Chu Feng in unison.

They want to know if Chu Feng will agree to Xiao Li’s application.

Chu Feng’s answer was only two words…approved!

“Thank you boss.” Xiao Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Chang Shuxin, the personal secretary, is already full of thoughts and can only think of Chu Feng.

She naturally won’t have any opinions.

Moreover, knowing that the boss Chu Feng is about to get a beautiful secretary, who can serve him well like himself.

Chang Shuxin is very happy, just like she herself has also received a lot of benefits.

Her father, Chang Kai, was already there last night. He knew from his daughter that her daughter had only Chu Feng in her mind and would only like to stay with Chu Feng for the rest of her life. He didn’t care about everything else.

Chang Kai, who owes Chu Feng a great deal of kindness, is like this for his own daughter, and he can’t say anything.

At this moment, I watched my nose and nose, pretending that I didn’t know anything and didn’t hear anything.

Fang Fang’s heart was slightly blocked.

Can’t tell what it feels like.

Xiao Li is a good friend of hers. As a good friend, Fang Fang feels that she should support her.

It’s just that, as Chu Feng’s girlfriend under the effect of three people becoming a tiger, Fang Fang has mixed feelings in his heart.

It’s like, I am obviously the empress of the palace.

But because he didn’t fight for it, he was finally reduced to the side concubine who couldn’t see the emperor.

“Oh, what are you thinking about Fang Fang?!”

Fang Fang shook his head, driving away all kinds of thoughts in his mind.

Sister Fang Ya suddenly leaned in her ear: “Sister, do you think I’m right? You must fight for it yourself! Do you see how proactive Xiao Li is?”


Chu Feng coughed.

Everyone in the small conference room looked at him one after another.

“Well, this meeting is over here.”

Chu Feng told everyone that Chang Kai is responsible for building the Shuxin hotel chain brand.

The initial capital is 500 million yuan.

Xiao Li is responsible for the establishment of an investment company. The initial capital is also 500 million.

In addition, Chu Feng asked Fang Fang to make preliminary plans.

How do Ivy League private schools develop branch schools?

Should it be built directly, or other schools should be purchased and transformed?

These things must be planned well in the early stage.

“Brother-in-law, what am I doing then?” Fang Ya, the big-breasted sister, asked silently.

“Brother, what about me? Can I go back to school?” My sister Liu Ruyan also asked Chu Feng.

“You two, come with me, and I will buy you a good car.”

Chu Feng thought about it yesterday and went to buy a car today.

In one hour, Chu Feng can make 35 million yuan while lying down. No matter what, he has to get a car that is worthy of his future business empire’s status as a boss.

“Boss, I want to go back and pick up my mother.”

The long-legged personal secretary looked at Chu Feng expectantly.

Father has repented and reformed in his life. Chang Shuxin naturally hopes that the family will be reunited as soon as possible and their parents will be back together.

Today, Chu Feng handed over to Chang Kai to build a chain hotel brand.

For a short time, Chang Kai couldn’t get away.

Chang Shuxin can only go back to the country on her own.

When there is no other secretary, Chang Shuxin is not good at asking for leave.

Now that Xiao Li is a new secretary, Chang Shuxin can also rest assured.

“Well, if you need a car, you can drive the hotel Mercedes-Benz, and when you come back, I will buy you another good car.”

“thank you boss.”

Chang Shuxin and his father Chang Kai left the meeting room.

Fang Fang also has to rush back, and he also needs to pay close attention to the planning of the branch campus.

Chu Feng looked at the dolphin buttocks Xiaoli who was walking beside him, and said, “Let’s go, let’s buy a car.”

“Boss, you can leave it to me to buy a car.”

Xiao Li said that she has acquaintances and can buy a good car at a low price.

She appealed to Chu Feng and said to Chu Feng: “Boss, my new secretary, am I very capable?”

PS: Seek fresh flowers evaluation Seek fresh flowers evaluation Seek fresh flowers evaluation. . . *

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