Chapter 59 The First Meeting of the Business Empire (seeking an evaluation of flowers)

With one hand, Chu Feng made her younger sister’s soft hair a little messy.

The other hand waved.

“Sit down.” Chu Feng glanced at his sister-in-law, and said, “Fang Ya, stand up.”

Fang Ya, the older sister Xiong who was just about to sit down, couldn’t help but was taken aback:

“Brother-in-law, why are they all sitting down, I want to stand?”

In the police station, Fang Ya is the idol and goddess in the minds of many police officers.

Only in front of Chu Feng, the cheap brother-in-law, is aojiao cute.

“Didn’t you say that they are all shareholders, aren’t you? I am giving you 10% of the shares, just like your sister. Are you satisfied?”

“Long live brother-in-law!” After a pause, Fang Ya said again: “Long live the boss!”

A 10% stake in a hotel worth 7 million, for Chu Feng, who can easily sanction 15 million in one hour, is only 12 minutes of income.

In Chu Feng’s eyes, it’s nothing.

Just turn the sister-in-law into his own.

Later, I became my personal secretary, or became my own woman.

This little money is my own.

It is equivalent to not spending a cent of the money, and there is an extra 36D police beauty.

Shuangwaiwai, beautiful!

Make a big profit!

As the eldest sister Xiong of the police-chat, if someone gave her money and shares like this, she would definitely not ask for it.

But Chu Feng is different.

This is her brother-in-law, the brother-in-law she has identified.

Moreover, it’s not just the brother-in-law, it’s that simple.

Fang Ya, who had a promise when she was a child, still agreed with her sister Fang Fang when she was a child.

Either do not marry, or the two sisters marry together.

Fang Ya, with such thoughts, did not even shirk a 10% stake in Chu Feng, and readily accepted it.

“Brother, brother! They all have shares, do I have it?”

Sister Liu Ruyan, looking up at Chu Feng with clear eyes.

Chu Feng lightly knocked on his sister’s head: “Brother’s are all yours, what shares do you want?”

“I hate it, brother, you hit me on the head again! You will be silly if you hit me again.”

“Silly brother raise you.”

Chu Feng smiled and sat in the top position.

“Now, let me talk about it. Next plans and plans.”

Chu Feng looked around and found that Chang Shuxin’s father, Chang Kai, and Dolphin’s Xiao Li, were both holding a notebook and pen, preparing to record.

As a secretary, Chang Shuxin looked at herself without an instant.

Uh… this secretary, leans towards life secretary!

As a secretary at work, at the very least, recording the boss’s important speeches is a basic professional ethics.

Chu Feng couldn’t help but glanced at Xiao Li with the dolphin butt.

Wearing a white shirt and black trousers, dressed as a typical secretary.

Seriously holding a pen and notebook, ready to record the boss’s speech and schedule at any time.

“If Chang Shuxin prefers life secretary, then Xiao Li prefers work secretary.”

Chang Shuxin, who has long legs, is very good at dressing, ri’s daily chores, serving the boss’s diet and daily life… all of these are very good.

As the vice president of the bank, Xiao Li is a good hand for investment, wealth management, business negotiation and so on.

Even if you act as a secretary, you can solve many things for your boss.

How to look, how to be professional.

As for the 36D teacher Fang Fang, the 36D sister Fang Ya Xiong.

They don’t seem to realize that they are already shareholders.

As for sister Liu Ruyan, she looked at herself seriously, but she didn’t know what she was thinking.

After a glance, Chu Feng didn’t say much.

He continued the topic just now and said: “I plan to start a company. As for what I will do, I haven’t figured it out yet. The initial investment amount is about 1 billion yuan. Do you have any comments?”

Chu Feng’s words made everyone present involuntarily stunned.

I didn’t even think about the project, so I thought about the investment scale of one billion yuan.

This makes them do not know what to say.

As the vice president of the bank, Xiao Li, and Chang Kai, who had acquired assets of more than 100 million yuan from scratch, soon had their own ideas and opinions.

Xiao Li prefers projects such as securities financing.

For example, setting up an investment company.

“Boss, I have the resources in this area. If I invest 1 billion and set up an investment company, I will be very quick and can make it sound and colorful.”

Chu Feng nodded. Chu Feng didn’t understand this aspect, but he felt that Xiao Li’s words were very good, and there was great possibility.

“Chang Kai, what’s your opinion?”

“Boss, my opinion is to expand the scale of Shuxin Hotel, build it into a chain hotel, and build the brand of Shuxin Hotel, so that the entire block, the entire district, the entire city, the entire urban area, and even the whole province and the whole country, There are Shuxin hotels…When our Shuxin chain hotel brand has formed a brand effect, no matter what industry we invest in, we will get twice the result with half the effort!”

Chang Kai, who has experience in entrepreneurship, put forward a plan that is steady.

On the surface, there is no return that the investment company proposed by Xiao Li has.

However, for Chu Feng who wants to build a business empire, it is in line with Chu Feng’s requirements.

Short-term gains are not important for Chu Feng, who has made a total of RMB 15 million in an hour.

Chu Feng looked at the others: “What do you have, different opinions and opinions?”

PS: Ask the flowers to evaluate emmm. . . *

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