Chapter 54 Wait for me and marry you! (Ask for a flower evaluation)

“They are there! Hurry up!”

Chu Feng heard a shout from a distance behind him.

His body and various qualities are san times that of ordinary people.

Sophia next to him hadn’t heard it yet, but Chu Feng could already hear it.

Chu Feng handed the token of love…amulet to Sophia and told her to wear it next to her body.

“Don’t take it off easily in the future. This amulet can protect you very well.”

“Well, no matter what you do in the future, Sophia will not take it down.”

The beautiful blond woman wore the amulet around her neck.

“Sophia, those people have been chased, where are you going now?”

“Climbing the mountain ahead, my mission is complete.”

Chu Feng looked at a high mountain in the distance.

The two were too in a hurry to drive a car just now.

However, even if there is a car, it is probably not very convenient.

Sophia did not go to the city, but to the more remote suburbs.

The two of them were already in a forest on the outskirts of the country.

Chu Feng heard the sound of a motorcycle in the distance.

“Sophia, you go first, I’m here to stop them.”

“No, those people, it’s dangerous, let’s be together!”

Sophia told Chu Feng that as long as he reached the top of the mountain.

Her task is completed.

When the time comes, her people will pick her up.

“Listen to me, you go first. Those people can’t help me!”

Chu Feng, who possesses magical powers and special forces fighting expertise, doesn’t pay attention to those who are chasing after him.

As long as they don’t have guns, they don’t have to worry at all.

“Well then, I’ll be waiting for you at the top of the mountain, you must be careful.”

Princess Sophia called Chu Feng’s name, and then suddenly shot and lifted her veil.

Very three-dimensional facial features, fair and delicate skin, what impressed Chu Feng the most is that Princess Sophia’s red-flaming lips make Xing feel explosive!

Without waiting for Chu Feng to speak, Sophia stepped forward and hugged Chu Feng.

She stood on her toes, Xing felt the burst of red lips, like flames, burning between Chu Feng’s lips.

The sound of the motorcycle is getting closer.

Sophia vaguely heard the shout.

The two have divided their lips.

“I’m waiting for you at the top of the hill ahead, so be careful.”

Chu Fengmo touched his own lips. In the moment, Chu Feng felt like a flame, burning in front of him.

The beautiful blonde with blue eyes…tsk!

“When I clean up, these guys behind, I’ll come to you.”

Chu Feng turned around and walked back.

He didn’t walk on the road, but walked in the woods next to him.

Lie on the ground and picked up some stones.

It didn’t take long.

San motorcycle, came quickly.

“Brother Ying, the woman is in front!”

“Drive faster! If you let him run away, Fourth Master will kill you!”

“Brother Ying, that woman, what the hell did the Fourth Master stole something?”

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask, drive faster!”

Just as the man in the driving vest increased the accelerator, the speed increased again.

Suddenly, with a squeaky sound, a marble the size of a stone came and hit his finger.

Under the pain, the man in the vest screamed and quickly took his hand away.

Suddenly, the motorcycle running at high speed immediately lost control.

Following a bump on the mountain road, the car lost its balance. The two suddenly fell to the ground.

One by one, he was battered, and it was so miserable.

The two motorcycles behind him shunned them and fell one after another, unclear whether they were alive or dead.

Chu Feng hid in the woods, watching the scene in the distance.

“Wow, it’s too powerful to have the magical power of the finger. At that time, I don’t have internal power yet. I will devour the starry sky in the future, let the stars evolve again, receive planetary rewards, receive random lotteries, and possibly get inner power and mental techniques. At that time, Wouldn’t it be better?”

After half an hour.

Chu Feng is here, the top of the mountain mentioned by Sophia.

At this time, several women surrounded Chu Feng.

“Don’t be rude!”

Sophia walked out from behind a big tree.

“You all get back.”

“Yes, princess.”


Chu Feng felt that Sophia was not a croupier from the beginning.

But he did not expect that Sophia is a princess of a country.

“Chu Feng, thank you for helping me. I have to hurry and return to China. Now that the task has been completed, I need to go back to inherit the throne as soon as possible. I will do everything as soon as possible. You will wait for me to come back and marry you.”

Princess Sophia took the initiative to put on her flaming red lips.

Chu Feng felt that this Princess Sophia was much more enthusiastic and unrestrained than his personal secretary Chang Shuxin.

I gave him a different and wonderful feeling.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

“Chu Feng, wait for me to inherit the throne and come back to marry you.”

“Ahem, you go back first, and wait for me to marry you after a while.”

Chu Feng secretly made up his mind to devour some planets and evolve the stars several times.

At that time, my own business empire was also considered to be somewhat large.

He is almost the same, with his own power.

At that time, graceful and graceful married a princess of a country.

No, it might be the king of a country at that time! *

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