Chapter 48 The third evolution (seeking evaluation of flowers)

Chu Feng was secretly delighted when he heard the prompt from the system.

He immediately checked his own list of belongings.

Host: Chu Feng.

Age: 19.

Astral level: 2.

Volume: one million cubic kilometers.

Ability: move, swallow, evolve.

Source force: 111.

Received planet: 2 [For details, please refer to the xing list on the second page]

Available planet: 0.

Unclaimed planet: 997.

Skills: Special forces fighting specialization.

System space: closed zui talisman, confession talisman, vigorous talisman, 200 grams of diamond [diamond].

May you reach 111!

In other words, swallowing that, damaged fifth-level star core, gained a full 50 points of source power!


Swallowing star cores is much cooler than swallowing meteorites and planets!

Chu Feng originally expected that he might gain two san ten-point source power.

At most, San’s 40-point source power.

Unexpectedly, he had gained 50 points of source power!

It went beyond Chu Feng’s expectation! !

The source power reached 111, wouldn’t it be possible, the san evolvement?

Chu Feng just thought of this.

The system’s pleasant Onee-san sound sounded in his mind.

Ding Dong!

“Host, congratulations, your source power has exceeded 100 points and you meet the conditions for evolution. Do you start to evolve now?”


Ding Dong!

The secondary stars are evolving.

The sweet Onee-san sound sounded in Chu Feng’s mind at the same time.

For the first time, Chu Feng felt that a vast and warm energy enveloped the entire secondary star.

This energy nourishes the inside and out of the secondary stars.

During the nourishment, the volume of the secondary stars grows at a super speed that is almost invisible to the naked eye.

One million cubic kilometers…

Two million cubic kilometers…

san million cubic kilometers…

In just ten minutes, the volume of the second-class star has skyrocketed tenfold.

Reached 10 million cubic kilometers!

Ding Dong!

“Congratulations to the host, the evolution is successful. The second-level star has evolved into a san-level star.”

Ding Dong!

“Host, congratulations, for the successful evolution of the san, you can receive another planet as a reward. Do you want to receive it now?”

When Chu Feng drove and came to the neighborhood.

People in the underground casino have been observing him.

Observe whether Chu Feng called the police and whether he brought other people.

Those people are sure there is nothing unusual.

“Brother Eagle, there is no problem.”

“Take him twice and confirm again.”

“Yes, Brother Eagle.”

A man in a vest came to Chu Feng’s car and knocked on the window.

Chu Feng, who was about to receive the planet award, stopped temporarily.

He rolled down the car window.

“Are you Chu Feng?” the running man asked.

Chu Feng nodded: “Where is Chang Kai? I will pay you when I meet people.

“I’ll take you.” The man in the vest got into the car and re-reported an address.

Chu Feng smiled secretly, just like a police movie on TV.

It’s just that these people have learned four different things.

Chu Feng glanced around, and felt something was wrong here.

If you guessed it correctly.

The so-called underground casino should be nearby.

These people just want to take them around.

Chu Feng didn’t click on it either.

Today, secondary stars have evolved into san-level stars.

There is no need for Chu Feng to descend into outer space again.

Host: Chu Feng.

Age: 19.

Astral level: 3. [Enable mini map function]

Volume: 10 million cubic kilometers.

Ability: move, swallow, evolve.

Source force: 11.

Received planet: 2 [For details, please refer to the xing list on the second page]

Available planets: 1.

Unclaimed planet: 997.

Skills: Special forces fighting specialization.

System space: closed zui talisman, confession talisman, vigorous talisman, 200 grams of diamond [diamond].

The celestial body has evolved to the san level, with a volume of 10 million cubic kilometers.

The ability has not changed, it is still moving, swallowing, and evolving.

However, when it comes to the san-class star, a small function is turned on…a small map.

Chu Feng can’t consciously descend into outer space for the time being, and doesn’t know the minimap function, what does it look like, is it easy to use?

It should not be disappointed.

Chu Feng walked around the neighborhood according to the location of the man in the vest.

Ten minutes later, the man in the vest reiterated the location.

In this way, it took about half an hour.

“Okay, wait for me here.”

The man in the vest was about to get out of the car. When he heard Chu Feng’s mobile phone text message prompt, his face changed a lot, and he said sharply, “Give me the phone!”

Chu Feng shrugged, a little speechless, wondering whether to kill it.

The man in the vest, holding his cell phone, checked it, and suddenly laughed: “Wow, brother, you also have a sister-in-law?”

He looked at the accounts of Chu Feng and his sister-in-law, as well as several chat records, with a look of envy and jealousy on his face.

“Brother, you are awesome! Work harder, your sister-in-law is yours!”

“I also have a sister-in-law, but unfortunately it’s a bit difficult…”

The man in the vest talked crookedly for a long time, causing Chu Feng Bai to worry for a while.

Fortunately, the man in the vest did not click to open the remark that it was the photo album of the sister-in-law. Otherwise, you will see the big sister Fangya Xiong wearing a police uniform.

However, fortunately, he didn’t click on it. Otherwise, Chu Feng would let him know why the flowers are so red…

“Brother, don’t worry, wait for me and I will inform Brother Ying.”

The man in the vest gave Chu Feng a jealous look before getting out of the car.

At this time, Chu Feng took the mobile phone returned by the other party and ordered the system to receive the reward of the sanst planet.

PS: Seeking an evaluation of flowers. . . *

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