The fourth thirteen chapters should not help (magic tours extraordinary one thousand plus more)

Ding Dong!

“Host, this is no ordinary meteor, which is the planet after the explosion, the remaining stellar core!”

Star nucleus?

The core of the planet?

Could it be…

Chu Feng immediately, it is an idea.

The world own source rock, the two planets evolved.

Swallowed meteorites, planets, get the source of power.

So, this source of power, in the end what is?

Chu Feng Although it is a school of slag, but he is not stupid.

He just naturally hate the monotony of boring textbook knowledge.

Most of textbook knowledge, except for examinations.

The rest of the time, simply do not have access!

“System, this stellar core is no need to avoid? It and meteorites, planets, is there any particular place?”

Ding Dong!

“Host, but the star the planet after the nuclear explosion, will present a separate product. But the core of a planet.”

“Star has a nuclear source of power, very rich!”

The system sounds sweet Onee-san, tell Chu Feng.

General development of the planet, the stars after five, it will begin to nurture the star core.

Reach ten stars, planets stellar core, and then gradually forming.

By that time, only the probability of the birth of civilization.

Of course, this is something.

The following ten stars, if an accident after the explosion, almost impossible intact.

Basically, at the time of the explosion, will be with the planet together, they burst, or shattering.

More than ten stellar core, will be rather strong.

Even if the planet suffered stars collide, or meteorite impact, or the rest of the reasons, resulting in exploding stars.

More than ten planets stellar core, there is a certain probability, it can not be destroyed.

The higher the level of the planet, the extent of strong stellar core, the stronger, the more it is not easy to destroy.

Ding Dong!

“Host, your luck is good, it is a five star after the explosion, the remaining stellar core, although not complete, but still Yun-han with relatively abundant source of power.”

The system tells Chu Feng, five of the planet, Chu Feng temporarily unable to swallow.

But after five stellar explosion, the remaining stellar core is not complete, but it is just to swallow!

Star nuclear swallowed, and swallowed different planet.

Chu Feng now two stars, the volume of one million cubic kilometers.

We can only swallow the volume of all the planets and meteorites in two million or less.

He was able to swallow, than their star rating, the higher the star rating of two stars nucleus.

Because of that flying faint stellar core, but not a complete five star players nucleus, it can only be considered a four star nucleus.

Chu Feng stars now, just be able to swallow.

“Good luck, just do not know, then swallowed, how much force can get the source?”

Chu Feng let the system calculate it, the shining star damaged nuclear purple shimmer, fly over, about how long?

Ding Dong!

“Host, about fifty minutes later, went to a nearby host.”

Chu Feng calculated, just about the same time.

“Fengyun and other dark gray planet engulfed finished, come back to inform me.”

“Paused, Chu Feng again added:” If this damage stellar core, there are unusual circumstances, we must promptly notify me. ”

After the account of the system, Chu Feng mind a move, awareness back to reality.

PS beside big legs, hugged Chu Feng still asleep.

It seems to be immersed in a sweet dream, asleep, zui angle still wearing a smile.

mo mo Chang Shu Xin of the head, Chu Feng smiled.

“My big long (leg secretary, the night will not do extraordinary dream, I dream, right?”

Sleep dreaming, all smile so sweet?

Chu Feng helped to thin quilts, Chang Shu Xin put up for mention.

Delicate white skin, but hot perfect body, almost to Chu Feng hungry.

Chu Feng took out the phone, looked at the time.

Unconsciously, already ten o’clock before.

And, this one-hour period, Chu Feng again four more prestige, seven missed calls.

Seven missed calls, all cheaper sister Fang Ya call.

The four prestige, respectively, from the Vice President dolphins hip Xiao Li, the first beauty teacher Fang Fang 36D, and 36D of the same …… sister Fang Fang Jinghua big sister xiong Fang Ya.

The last naturally Chu Feng Liu Ruyan most lovely sister.

Chu Feng first, to see his sister smoke prestige.

“Brother, the watch is very beautiful, is too expensive asking too much. Brother, you help me look promising does not look good?”

Readily sister took a picture with the watch hand, made a come together.

Chu Feng cooing, is indeed the most beautiful of his most lovable sister.

Small white hand jiaonen, shallots fingers, slender, not a flaw, like a work of art in general.

Just perfect!

Others are jewelry watches, to dress themselves.

Chu Feng feeling, sister smoke, wearing this watch, this watch is entirely in the endorsement ah!

Sister so perfect, it must be Nu Wa people in a pinch when it took thought a thousand times, and only then his sister, pinch so cute and beautiful.

Watching selfie sister, Chu Feng with buzzwords on the network, with sister jokingly replied:

“Nice, very nice, good to see burst! Brother should not help, tian of the screen!”

Chu Feng information sent out.

Simply do not know this information themselves, to sister Liu Ruyan, causing how much of an impact.

PS: one thousand reward for the extraordinary magic plus more, thank you a reward as well as the old iron one thousand ten urge more votes! *

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