Thirty-ninth chapter goblins! (Seeking flowers Evaluation)

Shu Xin Hotel, Presidential Suite.

Big legs secretary Chang Shu Xin, walked softly presidential suite door.

Anyway, Chu Feng is not bad money.

The entire ninth floor, four presidential suites, all without foreign business.

Chu Feng which like to live, to live what.

Chu Feng also originally thought, with my sister out to play.

Then at night, they sleep in the hotel’s Presidential Suite.

Than when only sister brother, love to learn more, she was the school beauty school bully.

As Chu Feng’s personal secretary, Chang Shu Xin large beautiful long legs, finished handling the matter at hand.

Immediately we came here.

Since it is private secretary, naturally, where the owner, private secretary was there.

Shu Xin often use characteristics of the room card into the Chu Feng presidential suite.

The first time, take off the high heels.

“Chu Feng should be in bed, he can not wake up.”

Chang Shu Xin cushioned toe, went to the bedroom door.

And I saw, lying on the chuang, proper breathing of Chu Feng.

I could not help smiling.

More than half an hour later.

Chang Shu Xin looked at the floor mirror, with a pair of big legs Guards xing sense of beauty, and smiled.

“Before yesterday know Chu Feng, I do nothing. To his father, a million to repay gambling debts, bruised and battered.”

“Now, I earn millions in addition to the value of seven million shares in the hotel.”

“Chu Feng, you are really my benefactor and lucky star!”

Chang Shu Xin dressed in a towel, walked the catwalk, toward the bedroom.

See Chu Feng has still sleeping, she carefully, did not say anything to disturb.

She got into bed, sideways, his arm beside tall and handsome Chu Feng.

An indescribable sense of security and happiness, filled in between her heart.

Chang Shu Xin do not know is that when she entered the room, in fact, Chu Feng already know.

Chu Feng explained to the system, if someone close, let the system remind him.

Know their big legs secretary came, Chu Feng cable xing quit too lazy to outer space.

This time, he had almost arrived, the recent sinking near the gray planet.

Chu Feng direct bang.

Even next to take a little time, detour to swallow meteorite, we were all not ignored.

Without detour to spend that kind of time, on the way to swallow swallowed.

Need to detour, Chu Feng has some disdain.

Unless meteorite skirt, after all, large ah!

As long as the number of swallowed enough, there is a natural source of a lot of force to get.

ten minutes later.

Chu Feng once again engulfed more than fifty meteorite, added a bit of power source, power source has reached nine.

That’s when he finally came close to gray planet.

Ding Dong!

“Host, are you starting to devour the planet now?”


Ding Dong!

“We are eating the planet from complete swallowed half an hour …… twenty-nine minutes fifty-nine seconds ……”

This is a volume of over five hundred thousand square kilometers of a planet.

In a planet, a relatively large volume regarded as a kind.

Half an hour, Chu Feng naturally not here just wait.

His mind a move, return to consciousness.

He opened his eyes and saw a beautiful big beautiful green chun, sideways, holding their own.

Beautiful jade, very prominent presentation in their own eyes.

“It seems a little hungry.”

Chu Feng whispered loudly.

“Boss, you’re hungry it? I’ll give you to the kitchen to prepare supper.”

Big legs beside the secretary, there is no sleep.

Chu Feng shook his head: “no.”

“Boss, I just heard you say hungry ah.” Chang Shu Xin, puzzled.

I smell big legs private secretary who, faint, sweet odor emitted.

Chu Feng smiled and said:

“I’m not late night, eat you.”

“I …… I’m not the official told us, not good.”

“Monk monk that stinky meat, what’s good? I want to eat eat beautiful fairy.”

Chu Feng spoke, he stood up, sideways, looking at beautiful beauty nearby.

Speaking just fairy, Chu Feng thought of a classic lines, could not help but blurt out:

“Fairy, eat Laosun a bang!”

Shu Xin PS often big legs, slightly lengleleng.

Then he nodded and said: “Yes, boss.”


I spade?

Chu Feng did not know, Chang Shu Xin nodded what that means.

PS: What are the old iron sewage lines will recall that?

Finally, find flowers evaluation. . . *

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