Chapter Thirty Two Million Associated Diamonds (Seeking Evaluation of Flowers)

Most of the gangsters on the ground have criminal convictions.

Brother Hu, the bullshit especially, is a habitual offender.

Chu Feng ordered the security guard of the hotel to find ropes and tied up all the bastards on the ground.

Then a group of people got on the hotel bus.

Chu Feng sat in the car, Fang Fang and Fang Ya sisters, chatting in a low voice.

Take a look from time to time, Chu Feng is handsome and handsome.

Chu Feng is looking at the associated diamonds in the gold mine.

“Host, you are the first reward planet. The miniature gold mines have mined micro diamonds. This is associated with gold mines. The value is slightly higher than that of gold mines. Does the host turn into soft sister coins along with the gold mines? Is it stored separately in the system space, or is it directly extracted?”

This is the prompt from the system just now.


Although the number is not large.

The system is called minimal.

However, that’s quite a small catty!

Diamonds, also known as diamonds, diamonds.

It is the hardest substance naturally occurring in nature.

One carat of diamonds is worth about 50,000 to 250,000.

Chu Feng looked at it, and in his system space, there were about two hundred grams of diamonds of different sizes and colors, and his heart was dark.

One carat of diamonds is equal to 0.2 gram.

Ten carats is two grams.

One hundred carats is twenty grams.

One kilogram is two hundred grams.

The first reward planet Chu Feng received was a barren unmanned planet.

At first, Chu Feng thought it was not worth a million.

Now, the gold mines that have been mined have been converted into soft sister coins, reaching 156 million.

And just now, the 200 grams of associated diamonds mined are of higher quality due to the systematic mining, with a minimum value of 200,000 carats.

So, two hundred grams of diamonds are worth two hundred million!

Chu Feng was originally a scumbag, and his math grades were even worse.

It was so easy to figure it out, and I was shocked.

Two hundred grams, just two hundred million?

I go!

If you continue to make money like this, the world’s richest man is a younger brother!

“Huh! System, why does the diamond display, which can be converted into the value of soft sister coins, the same as gold?”

Chu Feng didn’t pay attention and almost didn’t notice it.

Ding Dong!

“Host, the number of diamonds is too small. Although her value is a little higher, it is in the companionship of the gold mine. If it is to be converted, it can only be converted together according to the value of the gold mine.”

Ha, fortunately, the system was not converted just now!

Chu Feng secretly rejoiced.

Two hundred million worth of diamonds are red, blue, purple, white, and even black, and they have various shapes.

For the time being, Chu Feng hasn’t thought of a good way to deal with it.

Moreover, with an hourly income of 22 million, he is not short of money.

Chu Feng put the diamond in the system space first.

“What color should I give to my sister-in-law?”

Girls should like it better, red and pink, right?

There are several pink, heart-shaped diamonds that look very beautiful.

Moreover, they are all relatively small in size.

The biggest ones, Chu Feng didn’t plan to take them out for the time being, they were too conspicuous.

It is estimated that it is rare on the market.

It’s small, but it’s relatively ordinary.

“Xiaoya, dare you!” Next to him, the 36D beauty teacher Fang Fang suddenly increased his voice.

She stared angrily at her sister who was as hot as her own.

“Sister, don’t be so stingy. It’s only natural for the brother-in-law to give the sister-in-law a gift!”

I don’t know what the two had just talked about.

Fang Ya, the big breasted sister, has a violent temper.

Fang Fang urged her not to be like this, not to be like that, pay attention to words and deeds, must be knowledgeable and reasonable, not to mention Chu Feng as her brother-in-law…

Fang Ya most annoyed her parents and sister training her, and she was at the police station.

If you let other police officers who admire her see, her big breasted sister would be shameless?

Fang Ya immediately rebelled: I will call his brother-in-law, and I will not only call his brother-in-law, but also ask him for a gift!

So Fang Yachong Chu Feng shouted: “Brother-in-law, when we meet for the first time, what gift do you give my sister-in-law?”

Chu Feng, who was wondering how to give gifts, couldn’t help laughing when he heard the voice of Fang Ya, a big breasted sister:

“When I first meet, I don’t know what to give, so I will give you a stone.”

“Stones? Stones are good too.”

Fang Ya stretched out her hand in front of Chu Feng with joy.

She is very curious, what kind of stone will Chu Feng give to herself?

“Chu Feng, don’t…” Fang Fang was about to stop, when Chu Feng committed a small pink stone in his sister’s hand, and then forcibly stuffed one for himself.

“It’s just a small stone, and it’s not worth much. Don’t dislike it.”

For Chu Feng, who has a net worth of over 100 million, these two stones are really worthless.

“Really worthless? I can’t ask for the valuable.”

Eat people’s mouth softly, take people’s hands short.

Fang Fang looked at the very beautiful pink heart-shaped stone in his hand.

He had never seen such a beautiful little stone.

The next door neighbor, Xiao Liu, who is the same age as him, did not look as good as the diamonds on the wedding ring that was married last year.

Fang Fang’s heart moved…Could this be a rare diamond? *

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