Chapter 195: Destroy the Jones Family!

Yu Le didn’t know. The reason for my mission this time was just to know that the Jones family wanted to eliminate a person named Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said to Yu Le: “This is the eldest daughter of the Jones family, Jones Aixi, whose Chinese name is Lin Wei. She is a hybrid of Nalin and Shui. You should know all this.”

Yu Le looked at Chu Feng and did not speak.

So Chu Feng went on to say: “But there are things you don’t know. The reason why Lin Wei appeared with me is because the Jones family tried to marry her with a son of Motaibao.”

After Yu Le listened to it, she couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled. Marriage in a big family is commonplace.

I saw Chu Feng gritted his teeth and said, “Lin Wei escaped after hearing this. That son is mentally retarded, and the reason for your mission this time is because I killed Jones Gavin who was trying to catch Lin Wei back. This Once sent a large army of elites over, also to avenge Jones Gavin, and arrested Lin back to marry the second son of the mentally retarded in Mo 06 Taibao.”

Yu Le thought for a while and thought that he seemed to have heard of this, but he didn’t know that it was the daughter of the Jones family. I just heard about it.

But now that I heard about this, I couldn’t help but feel surprised.

I didn’t expect the Jones family to be so cruel. I would rather my daughter marry a mentally handicapped, just to marry a power like Motaibao. This shows how unscrupulous the Jones family is to strengthen the power of their own family.

It can be seen from kidnapping someone’s family to marrying one’s own daughter to a mentally retarded

Yu Le is not a disobedient master. After listening to Chu Feng’s words, Yu Le has a better impression of Lin Wei.

So the three sat down to discuss the matter of destroying the Jones family.

Although Lin Wei is a very indifferent person, after all, the Jones family is still his own. It didn’t take long to listen to it, and she felt a little unbearable, but she couldn’t hinder Chu Feng’s plan, so she walked out of the room.

Chu Feng called Gila and Wo Jing. This time Chu Feng decided to bring them together, and Yu Le together levelled the Jones family, and then it was interesting to go over Motai Fort. .

Finally, I called the next seven, and counted myself a good day.

The four decided to go to the Jones family five days later on a day when Yi sent troops.

The process is probably that Chu Feng used the transferred skills to transfer the four of them to Western lands. Later, due to Le took Chu Feng, Ji La and Wo Jing to go with him.

After all, only Yu Le knows where poverty is the family’s specific location. It can be felt in Le’s words that the position of the Jones family seems to be in a relatively hidden place.

Therefore, only Yu Le was able to take Chu Feng, Ji La and Wo Jing to go together. Although Lin Wei could also take Chu Feng to find them, Chu Feng did not take this risk with him like Lin Wei.

You must know that this time Chu Feng is not going to travel in the mountains, but to fight with real guns. Although the four are good players, there are still many unknown risks after all.

If Chu Feng took Lin Wei with him, then Lin Wei would also go on an adventure with him, and he would also need to be distracted to take care of Lin Wei, which seemed to outweigh the gain.

But relying on the fighting ability of these four people, they want to sneak into the Jones family without knowing it. It’s a very simple thing.

But Chu Feng soon discovered another problem. He and Gila were still happy. It was not a big problem to get close to the Jones family, but Wo Jing did not hide his abilities.

Chu Feng suddenly had a headache, but Wo Jing seemed to have to follow Chu Feng this time.

Because Wo Jing vaguely felt that his actions this time had something to do with his past. Although it was not entirely certain, it was related to the affairs of the Western family. Wo Jing still couldn’t help but want to pay attention.

Of course, Wo Jing wanted to eliminate the family that was related to him before. Although that family had disappeared now, Wo Jing felt that they had just changed their names and appeared again in the rankings of the Western Continent.

Wo Jing didn’t think it was wrong. This family is now Mo Taibao. When Wo Jing was killing all sides among their families, Mo Taibao had actually quietly changed its policy.

The people in the family who were killed by Wo Jing were just abandoned pawns, and the rest of the core members had already moved to a brand new base area.

Started a new battle.

If Wo Jing knew that the people he killed before were just the flags abandoned by Motaibao, he would surely be angry again in his heart.

What’s more, at this moment, Wo Jing already has a neon lightsaber. The power of the neon lightsaber is very powerful, although it is not as powerful as the Chu Feng sky giant sword.

But for mortal equipment, it already has extremely powerful functions.

Although this type of weapon of lightsaber is only lightsaber, it is precisely because it is a lightsaber that it has a function that other swords can’t match. That is, when it is put away, it looks like a small flashlight.

Even the size of this flashlight is only enough for an adult to hold in his hand.

If it weren’t for someone who knew it, who would have thought that this turned out to be a weapon.

At this moment, Wojing really has such an advantage. The length of my lightsaber can be adjusted. According to Ren Wojing’s current strength. It is easy to kill a hundred with 683-.

We must know that Wo Jing once killed dozens of Motaipu’s people with only seven pieces the size of a small thunder and a small arm.

With the help of lightsaber this time, I believe that Wo Jing can provide Chu Feng with a large combat power.

Chu Feng did not intend to implement any plan for Motaibao this time, just because the two people sent by Taibao were also eliminated by his own killings this time, and Chu Feng only wanted to prevent future troubles. Take a look at Motaibao’s tone.

Whether it is going to kill Mortai Fort or not depends on how the Jones family reacted after they were levelled by themselves.

Of course, if Chu Feng knew about Wo Jing’s past, he would definitely bring four people to level down Motaipu.

After all, Chu Feng is also a very short-term person, how can he tolerate being treated like this to his subordinates.

But Wo Jing didn’t know if Motaibao was the family he came out of at the time, but he was a little confused but a little uncertain.

Afterwards, Chu Feng heard a pleasant system tone.

Ding Dong!

The system prompts, dear host, you have successfully swallowed a black hole, successfully doubled your swallowing speed, whether to use it immediately.

use immediately!”

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