Chapter 11 Body is very honest (Chapter 4 asks for support)

Chang Shuxin felt indescribable warmth by Chu Feng’s side.

Suddenly heard the sarcasm of the boy outside the door, he said immediately.

“Classmate outside, what’s your name?”

Liu Qiang couldn’t help being excited when he heard the nice voice of the goddess with big legs.

Thinking about it, it must be me. The words just now let the goddess of big legs know the details of Chu Feng, and he is unwilling to continue with Chu Feng.

Maybe, I will make myself cheaper soon.

Liu Qiang’s mood became more excited.

“Beauty, my name is Liu Qiang.”

“Liu Qiang, right? Can you do me a favor?”

Liu Qiang patted Xiong Ni and made a loud guarantee.

“Beauty, you say, go up the knife and go down the fire, you can let me do anything!”

“Then you stay away from us!”

Liu Qiang was taken aback, and then he realized that he was being tricked.

He returned to his room unhappy, just as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly… As expected, silly dog, silly dog, silly to nothing in the end.

Chang Shuxin took the initiative to help Chu Feng disarm her.

Although Zui said he didn’t play games at the beginning.

As a result, the body is very honest.

Seeing, a new round of games is about to begin.

Chang Shuxin suddenly said, “Boss, can you buy a little raincoat first?”

Little raincoat?

Chu Feng was stunned for a moment before he understood what Chang Shuxin meant.

Both of them are very young now.

For the time being, I will definitely not consider having children.

Chang Shuxin was worried that if two people did not take any safety measures, they would easily win the first prize.

“Don’t you know nothing, why do you even know the little raincoat?” Chu Feng quipped.

He didn’t stop in the new game.

“I just used my phone to check it secretly while you were having supper.”

When checking the information, Chang Shuxin also secretly checked.

So what should be called when playing games.

I don’t know if I don’t check it, but she understands it after checking it.

What Chu Feng said was called…, instead of asking her to call…

Chang Shuxin was embarrassed for a while.

Even now, she still feels that her face is too hot-spicy.

“Boss, are you afraid of winning the lottery?”

“Relax, I have an ancestral secret. Without my permission, I would never win a lottery.”

He is a systematic man!

A trivial matter of biyun, the system is easy to handle.

More than half an hour later.

A new game is over.

Chang Shuxin, who was tossed by Chu Feng and dripping with sweat, fell into a deep sleep.

Chu Feng is not sleepy yet.

He covered the long-legged secretary with a thin quilt.

With a thought, his consciousness once again came to outer space.

Host: Chu Feng.

Age: 19.

Astral Level: 1.

Volume: 100,000 cubic kilometers.

Ability: move, swallow, evolve.

Source power: 0.

Received planet: 1 [For details, please refer to the xing list on the second page]

Available planet: 0.

Planet to be claimed: 998.

At this time, Chu Feng is a first-class star with a volume of 100,000 cubic kilometers, possessing the abilities of moving, swallowing and evolving.

After observing the surroundings, Chu Feng started to move towards the nearest meteorite.

Ding Dong!

“Host, is it starting to swallow now?”


In the process of devouring, until the end of devouring, there is san, two, one!

After the world source stone was upgraded to a first-class star, the speed of swallowing it, like its size, skyrocketed ten times.

There were originally more than 100 meteorites in the surrounding area. In the evening, more than 50 meteorites were swallowed. Now there are about 80 meteorites.

In about half an hour, all the surrounding meteorites had been swallowed.

Gain a little source power.

Of course, when he swallowed fifty or sixty meteorites, he gained a little source power.

It should be more than one point now, less than two points.

“Now I can only go a little farther away.”

Chu Feng chose a direction and controlled the first-class stars to move forward quickly.

The moving speed of the stars is beyond people’s imagination.

After all, outer space is vast.

The distance between a star and another star needs to be calculated in light years.

After more than ten minutes, Chu Feng found a few meteorites.

After swallowing quickly again, he moved forward again.

“There seems to be a star ahead!”

Dozens of meteorites are all possible, with less than a little increase in source power.

But a stellar body, swallowed, is absolutely rich!

After more than half an hour, Chu Feng finally came not far from the star he discovered.

Ding Dong!

“Host, are you starting to swallow the stars now?”


This is a star about the size of yourself!

Such a star has never been swallowed by Chu Feng.

“In the process of swallowing, there are still two hours before the end of swallowing… an hour, fifty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds…”

For two hours, Chu Feng didn’t want to stay in outer space in a daze.

“System, the stars are already swallowing, so I don’t need to wait for it, right?”

“Host, no need, the system can be managed, and after swallowing, the host will be notified in time.”

“do not!”

For two hours, I practiced cultivating immortals in the middle of the night, not sleeping?

Chu Feng let the system, without special notice, know to check after waking up tomorrow morning.

With a thought in his mind, his consciousness returned to his actual body again.

Chang Shuxin, with long legs, hugged herself sideways.

Big-legs-slim-long, oppa is spectacular.

On the pretty face that can be broken by a blow, there is still a gorgeous red-red glow of the first woman.

“Shu Xin is asleep, so don’t play games anymore?”

Chu Feng whispered on Zui, his body is honest…

PS: It’s in the process of changing, please support. . . *

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