"You stay with me at the Plaza Hotel in New York these days!"

"I don't recommend you appear in your MP's office or at home."

"Those reporters are all flies. They will definitely wait for you in these places. If you say something wrong, the lawyers will not be able to deal with it later."

Lin Fei thought for a while and suggested.

"Your Excellency Obama!"

"Mr. Lin is right."

"I also suggest that you take shelter at the Plaza Hotel in New York for the time being and wait for the court hearing."

Joseph nodded, he also agreed with Lin Fei's decision.

Lin Fei is right, those reporters are like flies, they will definitely stare at where Obama may appear.

"All right!"

"Then I'll stay at the Plaza Hotel in New York for the time being."

Obama is a bit confused now, he listens to whatever Lin Fei says.

In addition, he felt that staying with Lin Fei would make him feel more at ease.

But he didn't tell anyone that feeling.

Now that Obama agreed, Lin Fei naturally took the group back to the Plaza Hotel in New York.

He asked Gu Cheng to greet the hotel and could not let reporters come in for interviews.

Of course, reporters are not allowed to interview at all. For anything about Obama, lawyer Gill is entrusted to come forward and answer reporters' questions.

From this day on, Obama stayed in the hotel.

He doesn't need to receive reporters or go to the police station, he just waits for the court to open.

The outside world is getting more and more uproar about the congressman becoming the murderer. In any case, Obama is indeed the most suspected.

Television, radio, internet, newspapers, all media are against him.

According to a national opinion poll, 93% of the public believe that Obama is guilty and should resign automatically.

5% of the public do not publish the final.

The last 2% of the public thought it was Congressman Marty's guilt.

Compared with Obama, Congressman Marty is much better.

He has always appeared in a positive image, and for him, the more reporter interviews, the better.

Every time he interviewed, he would justly accuse Congressman Obama, who was hiding in the hotel, of being a murderer.

The just people of the country will not let Obama go.

As the public opinion of the Internet is getting more and more turbulent.

Court day! It's finally here!:

Chapter 426 Jury 【Customize】

Early in the morning, countless reporters poured in outside the New York courthouse.

The murder of a congressman was the headline of the country during this time.

Regardless of

TV stations, newspapers, and online media all took this incident as a key report, and everyone sent their own reporters here.

Everyone wants first-hand news.

"Hello, viewers, I'm Barry, New York TV reporter!"

"I am now at the door of the New York court. After a while, the New York court will open a public hearing on the murder of Congressman Obama."

"The other party in this case, Senator Marty, has been exempted from prosecution by the police due to insufficient evidence."

"We will conduct a live, live broadcast of this case, please come to the court with me."

New York TV reporter Barry walked into the courthouse while reporting.

She had applied in advance and got the court's permission.

There are also several TV stations and network TV stations in the live broadcast with her.

At this moment! Chinese netizens have already started commenting while watching the live report.

"How exactly this congressman was elected, we demand an investigation."

"Yes, it must be investigated. It is a shame for the country that such a murderer turned out to be a congressman."

"Looks sane, but I didn't expect this kind of person."

"Congressman Marty is different. He looks average, but he is really admirable."

"I want to see how the court will sentence it. If the sentence is not good, we will go to the court door to object."

"Yes, I support you."

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