Lin Fei didn't interrupt him when he heard his question.

Seeing this, Jill roughly understood what Lin Fei meant, and she began to introduce it.

"Last night MP Obama went to an abandoned underground car park."

"He met there with New York Times reporter Porjo."

"But when he went, Bol was dead and killed."

"Congressman Obama was at the scene, met Congressman Marty, and he accused Congressman Marty of killing Bol."

"Congressman Marty said it was Congressman Obama who killed Bol and he took a picture of Congressman Obama holding the murder weapon."

"Because it was an abandoned parking lot and there were no cameras to capture the murder scene, it became a mystery."

It took Jill a few minutes to finish.

Joseph and Earl calmly listened to Jill's introduction to the case in front of the audience.

"Mr. Lin!"

"The criminal case you mentioned."

"It's about Mr. MP"

Joseph asked tentatively.

"That's what I'm talking about in criminal cases."

"I want you."

"Defend Congressman Obama."

Lin Fei nodded, he just saw that Joseph didn't know, so he waited for Jill to finish the case.

In this way, everyone can understand the situation of the case, or else Joseph and Earl will have to listen to his introduction when they come back.

"Oba MP"

"Mr. Lin!"

"Your relationship with him is"

Joseph knew there was an Obama congressman in New York, but had never dealt with it before.

"We're friends."

"He's in trouble this time."

"Of course I want to help him


When Lin Fei said this, the three big lawyers would understand.

This... the big financier, this is the real purpose, they must save Congressman Obama from this trouble.

"Mr. Lin!"

"We may need to meet MP Obama."

"It is convenient for us to know more about the situation."

Joseph took the initiative now.

He had to see the client before he could decide what to do next.

"Just right."

"You go to the police station with me."

"I'm going to release MP Obama on bail today."

Now that there are three top lawyers, Lin Fei will naturally leave the matter to them, and they will be more professional in this matter.

He said that, of course, the three top barristers would not object.

The group walked out of the Plaza Hotel in New York and then drove to the police station

Obama is being locked in a separate room by himself at the moment.

Marty was nowhere to be seen in another separate room, and he had been released on bail.

He was a little anxious, why Mr. Lin didn't bail himself out, he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

However, after waiting for a long time, Lin Fei still could not be seen.

He was a little disappointed, Mr. Lin, he wouldn't help himself at this moment.

An old man in his eighties and a police detective approached.

Obama looked at the old man, he didn't know him.

Could it be that this old man also committed such a big prisoner, but it is rare.

But contrary to Obama's expectations, the old man walked outside the room.

"Your Excellency Obama!"

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