"You send it to me right away."

he said hastily.

Fortunately, I ambushed a nail in the New York Times.

Otherwise! He'll be in big trouble for sure.

Marty waited while thinking in his head.

The photo woman suddenly remembered the wonderful time he had with Emma today.

Here's a sneak peek:

Chapter 418 surrender

He estimated that what he guessed should be close to ten, 89.

I just don't know who that woman is or if it's Emma.

To confirm this, he still waited for the New York Times editor to pass the photo.

Soon! His phone received the photo.

He just glanced at the photo to confirm his guess, it was indeed himself and Emma, ​​and it was indeed what happened this afternoon.

That's the one who took the photo secretly today, who took the photo of me secretly, and Marty felt happy for a while, and then scared for a while.

Fortunately, the New York Times has not published it, and I still have time to save it.

What I'm afraid of is that the stalker has taken so many photos secretly that he doesn't know anything about it.

When did this guy stare at his office phone and ring again.

Marty was startled, and the female secretary was about to walk in from outside to answer the phone.

He waved his hand, indicating that he would answer the call.

The female secretary backed out and closed the door.


"This is Congressman Marty's office."

When the female secretary closed the door, Marty answered the phone.

"I'm looking for Congressman Marty."

The voice of the man over the phone was unfamiliar, and at least Marty could assure him that he did not know the man, nor had he heard the voice.

"I am."

Matty said immediately.

There was a pause on the phone, obviously not expecting that it was Marty himself who answered the phone.


"Lord Marty."

"I'm calling to remind you, you have to be careful, someone is filming you secretly today."

Then he said very quickly.

"You saw the candid shot"

"You know who he is"

Matty's voice dropped abruptly.

"I know."

"It's another Member of Parliament."

"Your Excellency Obama."

On the other side of the phone, it was obvious that the candid camera was taken.

"It's him"

Marty gritted her teeth.

He has always looked down on Obama, he is a villain and a waste.

I didn't expect that this waste would dare to follow him and take pictures of himself. If you have it, we'll see.

When Obama thought of this, he realized that he was distracted.

"How do you know it's him"

He asked again.

The phone hung up abruptly, and there was no answer.

Marty froze for a moment, then called again, but no one answered, it seemed to be a public phone.

He thought for a while, guessing that the other party didn't want him, and he didn't want to investigate the matter.

Since the other party called to remind him, he was obviously standing by himself.

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