She knew that Obama had tried her best, and she had actually tried her best.

But! She still had to go, after all she still had to eat.

"Don't you understand yet?"


"I'm really rich."

Oba noticed Kelly's expression, only to realize that she didn't believe herself at all.

It's also his fault that he didn't make it clear, didn't explain anything, just said that he was rich, and no one would believe it.

"Kelly! I'm telling the truth, I'm not lying to you."

"The Mr. Lin who came today, you should remember, I helped him, he paid me $[-], and then he donated a million dollars to my councillor's office."

"I'm really rich now."

He told Kelly about the ins and outs of the money.

"This is real"

Kelly covered her mouth, still a little in disbelief.

It's not that Mr. Senator wants to make me happy by saying this on purpose. "Check your bank card."

"I have already paid you back the previous salary."

Obama transferred money on the way, he suddenly thought.

Kelly took out her mobile phone and checked, her bank card had indeed received a sum of money, which happened to be her three-month salary.

Obama did not lie to her, the money really arrived.

So say it! Millions of dollars are real too.

You don't have to go by yourself.

Damn that bastard private boss! "Mr. Senator!"

"That Mr. Lin!"

"Why so generous"

At this moment, Kelly thought of a question.


"Don't doubt Mr. Lin."

"He's my friend, my best friend in the world."

Obama can't allow others to speak ill of Lin Fei now, even if he doubts it.


"Mr. Senator, I understand!"

"I'll make you a cup of coffee!"

Kelly nodded.

"No more coffee."

"I'm going out right now."

"Let's have a good talk about your salary later."

Obama went back to his MP's office to keep Kelly.

He couldn't stay long by himself, and the things he promised Lin Fei had not yet been done.

This made him a little impatient. On the one hand, he helped Lin Fei, and on the other hand, he couldn't wait to see what happened to Senator Marty.

He was sure.

As long as this is exposed.

Congressman Marty must step down.

And the Governor of New York will not let him go.

With such a big hat, the Governor of New York will surely make Marty regret giving birth to him.

In this place in New York, the energy of the Governor of New York is still very large.

Obama hurried out again.

He still didn't drive his own car, and it could be seen that he was still very cautious.

He even put makeup on himself, feeling like no one would recognize him.

After these things were done, he quietly came to the neighborhood of the New York Times headquarters.

Spent a small sum of money.

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