Lin Fei saw that Han Fei wore a little less clothes.

Reach over.

Han Fei's hands were cold.

"what happened"

"It's so cold."

"You don't have to wear one more dress."

Lin Fei's brows furrowed.

"It wasn't cold when I woke up."

"I didn't notice."

"Wash your hands to warm up."

Han Fei didn't notice that her hands became: very cold.

"you really."

"Work is work."

"Take care of yourself too."

Lin Fei couldn't help but blame her.

This is to blame though.

Han Fei felt a little warm in her heart.

This shows that Lin Fei still cares about her, he is not a ruthless boss.

"I'll go get you a dress."

Lin Fei was about to go to her room.

"Need not."

"I can take it myself."

Han Fei suddenly blushed and stood up hastily.

She remembered that she had the clothes she changed last night in her room.

Including those clothes that cannot be seen by men, they are all messed up on the bed.

If Lin Fei went in, he would definitely see clearly the clothes of those girls.

In her panic, she almost knocked over the coffee table, and the documents on the table fell to the ground.

"never mind!"

"You put on my clothes first!"

Lin Fei saw her like this, guessed something, and stopped walking to her room.

He took off his coat and put it over what Han Fei was wearing.

This way! She can warm up a bit.

"your hands."

"Stand out!"

Lin Fei said to her.

Han Fei didn't know what he was going to do, but he still stretched out his hand.

Lin Fei raised his hand and covered her hand.

Start rubbing vigorously.

It turned out! He wanted to help Han Fei warm up.

Han Fei was stunned.

She didn't expect Lin Fei to do this.

In her hand, she felt the deep warmth from Lin Fei's big hand.

Her heart! Seems to be warmed too.

At this moment, Gu Cheng knocked on the door and walked in.

"What's up"

Lin Fei asked, knowing that he would not come over if he was fine.

"A few New York law enforcement detectives have come outside!"

"They said they had a report."

"We have guns hidden in the car we hired, and we want you to be there!"

Now, without a gun, possession of a gun is not a small crime.

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