This hotel, Lin Fei knows, is actually very famous in China and even in the world, and almost all movie fans around the world know it.

The Plaza Hotel in New York has been featured in many movies.

1 year in the Hitchcock-directed movie "North by Northwest"! 2 in "Love in One Bite"! [-] in The King of New York! [-] in "Home Alone: ​​Lost in New York"! "Bride Wars"! In addition, many Chinese TV dramas have appeared in this hotel.

As one of the most famous stores in the country, since its opening on October 190, 10, the Plaza Hotel has been the first choice for celebrities from all walks of life to visit New York.

Kings, presidents, ambassadors, movie stars, sports stars, business leaders and other travelers from all over the world have been guests of the Plaza Hotel.

Lin Fei stood at the door and admired it for a while, then stepped into the hotel lobby.

The lobby is full of gorgeous crystal chandeliers, which look resplendent and gorgeous.

The waiter was polite and enthusiastic, asked about Lin Fei's room, and led him to the royal suite.

The Royal Suite here is inspired by the court of Louis XV.

A bathroom inlaid with marble tiles! With 2 gold accessories, the room exudes glamour.

It also comes with a velvet sofa and an eye-catching chandelier! The luxurious furniture is mesmerizing

"It seems very big for me to live alone!"

Lin Fei looked at the suite, and he was still very satisfied with the room.

"It's a bit big."

"But your boss status."

"It takes a suite like this to match."

Han Fei explained.

When she chose the room, she also considered Lin Fei's identity.

After that they may have to host people from Tiffany & Co. and also need a big room.

Lin Fei didn't blame Han Fei, of course she could think of what she thought of.

"How about this!"

"You also live in as my full-time secretary."

He thought about it and said to Han Fei.

Secretary, full-time secretary, I'm not your secretary! Han Fei raised her eyes, but Lin Fei was quite casual, so she gave herself a new identity.

"It's mainly for hosting people from Tiffany & Co."

"In case they suddenly visit."

"I don't even have a secretary, which is a little outrageous."

Lin Fei said.

Han Fei thought about it, and what Lin Fei said also made sense. Of course any boss doesn't have a secretary! His own boss really doesn't have one.

So! This time I had to take a part-time job! But what would those people in my team think? Han Fei's face turned red again when she thought of this.

"Don't worry about what other people think."

"I am a good person."

Lin Fei seemed to see her hesitation.

You are a good person. What did you do to me that night? You thought it was okay if I forgot about Lin Fei, but Han Fei was worried when he said it.

"It's decided."

"Where are your people."

"Call them all."

Lin Fei did not give Han Fei time to go back.

Han Fei's train of thought was interrupted by Lin Fei, and she began to notify her team members to come to Lin Fei's suite.

"Lin Shao!"

"Lin Shao!"

"Lin Shao!"

Lu Jiaming, Fan Youjian and the others came to Lin Fei's suite, and everyone addressed Lin Fei with respect.

Now that Lin Fei is their boss, there must be something wrong with his brain if he doesn't respect the boss.

"I'm announcing something."

"From now on, in addition to being a manager, Han Fei will also temporarily serve as my full-time secretary."

"She will also live in this suite. If you have any business, come here to find her."

Lin Fei first announced.

Han Fei was a little caught off guard, thinking that I don't seem to agree yet, why did you announce it?

Lu Jiaming and Fan Youjian had no idea.

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