"How much trouble did you bring to the He family?"

Uncle He Hui hated the iron and looked at him, how did the He family give birth to such a troublemaker.

He Hui's face was pale, and he only now knew how big a hole he had stabbed.

He knows that the current Hejia is entirely supported by the profits of Zhongkang Supermarket.

Losing Zhongkang Supermarket means that the He family has lost the way to make money.

He will also be worthless.

The He family will no longer be the He family it used to be.

Knowing the situation of the He family, who would pay attention to the mysterious rich man he provoked, they would not try to fight with him at all, and they would directly draw wages from the bottom of the pot.

Besides, he has offended many people in Qizhou over the past few years.

If those people knew that He Jia was dying, they would definitely not let him go.

At this time! He Hui finally felt regret.


"Lin Shao!"


He bowed his head and walked in front of Lin Fei, finally apologizing.

"Feel sorry!"

"your sorry"

"I do not accept."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Everything works according to the contract."

"If they don't do it."

"Then find someone who can execute it. Qizhou belongs to the Xia country, not the He family, and the He family can't see the sky."

He turned around and said to Li Ang.

Li Ang nodded, he knew that Lin Fei would not let the He family go.

The He family dared to send someone to follow Lin Fei, and dared to go to Haicheng, which touched Lin Fei's bottom line.

His family! They are Lin Fei's inverse scales! Whoever provokes them will die! Uncle He Hui's face turned pale.

He's house! It's over! Zhongkang Supermarket has changed hands!

Chapter 390 Blocking 【Seeking full order】

A piece of news appeared on the Internet.

Fulejia Supermarket acquired Qizhou Zhongkang Supermarket.

Once the news was announced, the reporters seemed to smell the gunpowder smoke of domestic supermarket mergers and acquisitions.

Such supermarket mergers and acquisitions have not been reported for a long time. This is the beginning of the domestic supermarket war. Reporters from all walks of life began to gather at the headquarters of Fullerco. They wanted to interview Zhang Mingwei, President of Fullerco, and wanted to know the true thoughts of Fullerco.

As for Lin Fei behind the scenes, the news did not report or even mention him.

No one knows that the mysterious rich man is the real leader of this merger.

At this moment! Lin Fei has returned to Haicheng.

After this merger, the He family was plunged into the abyss.

Now they don't talk about dealing with Lin Fei, there is a group of people in Qizhou who are gearing up to find trouble with the He family.

When the He family had a big business before, they treated them miserably.

The feng shui turns and now it's their turn to be unlucky.

However, when Lin Fei returned to Haicheng, Gu Cheng still did not let his guard down.

The protection of Lin Fei and his family will only get tighter.

Mother Qin Zhen mentioned it to Lin Fei more than once.

When she was shopping, she always felt that someone was following her behind her.

But she turned around and found nothing.

My mother almost went to the hospital, Lin Fei could only comfort her with a smile, saying that this is a common problem of the elderly, and it is easy to be suspicious.

Secretly, he could only tell Gu Cheng not to get too close, lest his mother be nervous.

Of course, this is just a tidbit, and there should be no less protection.

Lin Fei didn't stay at home for two days. The plan to go to Tanzania in Africa was started. He wanted to capture the liar, Chu Li.

But before going to Africa, he still has to go to New York.

This time out, he wants to see if he can grab Tiffany from his hand.

Because he was going to Africa, he did not bring Chen Xiulan, nor Sun Meng and Jiang Siyu with him this time.

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