I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 485 Crazy testing on the edge of danger

Chapter 485 Crazy testing on the edge of danger

If they wanted to test it, they could only pick up the stones on the ground, smash them, and throw them. Only in this way would they be able to deal with the Qin soldiers who surrounded them.

But obviously this is not practical.

The fact is that as long as they move, they will be shot and killed by the fire gun in Qin Bing's hands as soon as possible.

No matter how hard you think about it, you definitely don't use the Hungarian "May Twenty" slave to go to the muzzle of the gun. This is purely sending death.

"Submissives live, traitors die!"

Huo Qubing spoke uprightly to the Huns in front of him: "No matter what bad intentions you have, if you dare to plot against Da Qin, you will be killed! 95

Perhaps, if other generals say this, they will not be convinced.

But now, this sentence is from the mouth of Huo Qubing, so it is completely different.

Because he is not someone else, perhaps for a military general, skills and abilities are almost all lacking, the only thing lacking is courage.

Perhaps killing is in the mood, and all the generals will turn into an out-and-out reckless character.

But Huo Qubing is different from these reckless men. Generally speaking, the more the time comes, the more sober his mind becomes. For him, at the right time, he has to do the right thing.

Even if you know it is right, but there is a big risk, you still have to bite the bullet and do it, otherwise, it will not be his fault.

It is precisely because of this reason that he is not afraid of making mistakes, but has a well-founded judgment, so that a young general like him has become the pinnacle of military generals in the long river of history.

In the history of military commanders, there is an unattainable peak, a myth that cannot be copied and surpassed.

At least under the same age and conditions, there are very few people who have achieved this achievement like him. It can be said that there are not many people who can achieve this achievement at such a young age as him.

"My Daqin army of 30,000 ambushed here above the valley, if you dare to have any unreasonable thoughts, we will kill you first and then slay you here!


"Just like you, you dare to point fingers at your grandfather?"

"I might as well tell you that Laozi has killed countless people, and it's all you shameless Qin people!"

"My father died at your hands when I was young!"

"The revenge of killing my father is not shared by the sky!

"Don't you Qin people often talk about ethics and filial piety?"

"I can't do anything to see my father being killed. Am I wrong to avenge his old man?"

"Am I really not worthy of doing anything?"

"It's not fair!"

"This is not fair at all!

After saying this, he walked straight over.

Huo Qubing pulled out the long sword from his waist and pointed directly at him, his face became sharp, "Back off! 55

"Dare to take a step forward and die!

The Huns hesitated for a moment, and in an instant, their faces turned grim and terrifying, "My father died in your hands, how is this account calculated?

Huo Qubing sneered and said 5.9: "Your father, if you don't invade my Daqin, keep yourselves in the grasslands, and be a good herdsman, how can you die under the sword of Daqin?

"It's just one's own fault, not worthy of sympathy!

"It's just too much to die for!"

The Huns looked extremely ugly, and looked at Huo Qubing in astonishment, "Do you really think we are afraid that you will fail?"

For the revenge of killing his father, he must not retaliate, but instead be humiliated.

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