Chapter 483 The bluff

However, General Li Xin didn't give him any reply at all, but ruthlessly commanded the army in his hands with a calm face, "Hurry up and try to reach Xianyang before noon!"


The surrounding soldiers agreed.

It seemed that no one took Huyanchi to heart, as if they had settled for him.

In fact, this is just a tactic of General Li Xin. In order to ensure that Huyanchi, who has been sentenced to surrender, has no heart for him, it can only be done like this.

Not because of anything else, but because of him now, there is no reason to surrender.

Leaving aside all of this, it is not difficult to guess the unity of this entire army, which is an astonishing existence, just by looking at his subordinates who were loyal to him after he surrendered.

Such a united army, if the general is suddenly sentenced to surrender, and if the authority is true, the attitude of these troops will definitely change 180 degrees, regardless of their previous relationship. How good the relationship is, the abandonment of beliefs, the betrayal of positions, it is enough to turn a pair of close friends into enemies, and relatives into enemies...

General Li Xin has been in the barracks (bbfj) for so many years. When he destroyed the Six Kingdoms and some other small and unnamed vassal states, he was almost used to such a scene.

The royal family betrayed the enemy, but the princes and nobles behind them all voted against it. If they had strength in their hands, they would definitely oppose it.

But now it is extremely outrageous. For him, those Huns really have no bottom line. Do they really trust Huyanchi as a leader to such an extent that he will not let go of his death? Is it okay to die?


To surrender with him so easily?

So many people, not a single voice of opposition?

All agree to surrender?

If this news is released, who will believe it?

Of course no one would believe this would be true.

Because the fool can see it, the reason why such a situation occurs is entirely because he still has a backhand.

It is precisely because of this that General Li Xin's attitude towards him is not much better at all.

Maybe soon, they will meet again on the battlefield.

Therefore, when he escorted the First Emperor back to Xianyang this time, he did not bring back all the horses, but left most of the elites of the firearms battalion behind.

Because in this narrow valley, those Huns who surrendered are simply an extremely dangerous uncertainty factor, but at least they are now unarmed for a short period of time, and it can be said that there is no way to face the fire of the gun. .

And General Li Xin, who had made such an attack in order to attack Huyanchi's heart, also deliberately let him see the drama of his subordinates - he took out the knife and pretended to attack his subordinates, but it was not the case. , just to scare him.

And the reason why I do it myself is simply because of two reasons.

First, he didn't know how many people he had.

Second, he did not know what weapons these people were holding.

Therefore, the appearance must be done well, whether it is for him or the Huns behind him, the superficial work must still be done well.

Even if there are only 500 people, there must be 5,000 or 50,000 people.

In the face of these 20,000 Xiongnu cavalry, don't show your fear, otherwise, they will be like a pack of fierce wolves.

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