Chapter 478 Misunderstanding of Him

Huyanchi's eyes were full of light, "But this matter, I have to tell the Emperor Qin personally, and even if I can't, at least tell the person who is most trusted by the emperor."

"I can go with you to the Xianyang Palace, and promise you that after conveying this message, neither you nor the Emperor Qin will blame me again. 55

"Because this time our Xiongnu army went south after the last defeat, and it was really under coercion, coercion and lure. In addition, it was approaching late autumn, and there was not much food. Once winter came, countless people would have to starve to death. We too Forced by life, helpless to come to this point.

After he finished saying these words, even if he could only see Huo Qubing in front of him, he sneered and said: "If that's the case, then I want to see, after you arrive in Xianyang, in front of my Great Qin Emperor, you can still do it. What to say!

"General, it's absolutely impossible!"

"General, this is like a wolf into the tiger's mouth. How many Qin people's blood have been stained on our hands. How can the emperor of Qin let you go after this heinous crime? 55

"This move is a life-and-death situation, and it is absolutely unacceptable! 55

"Why tie yourself up to others?"

After the Xiongnu finished saying these words, he was obviously looking at Huyanchi impatiently, but he shook his head, with a proud self-confidence on his face, "Don't worry, God bless us. 35

"I assure you that not only will I be fine, but you will be fine too, no matter how unbearable the Great Qin court is, I believe that he still has a little ability to judge right and wrong, and it is absolutely impossible for him to not be able to see this.

"Don't worry, you are waiting here, and I will come back safe and sound soon.

"But, Khan, you..."

"No need to say more, if it's really like what this little brother said, wouldn't we really become robbers and robbers who rob and kill people?"

"No, you set up camp here, and in the future, someone will come to meet us."

"Get out of the way, let's go!"

After Huyanchi's words fell, he saw that all the soldiers in front of him gave him (bbcc) a way out.

But every time Huo Qubing took a step with him, he could see that the Hun troops behind him took another step forward and followed closely, as if they were uneasy about letting him leave.

"Stay on!"

After Huyanchi's order, the crowd really didn't follow, and Huo Qubing never gave them a chance to sneak attack on him. He kicked the horse's belly violently, flicked the whip in his hand, and rode the fierce horse away swiftly.

The process of speeding was quite enjoyable. He alone escorted Huyanchi, the leader of the Huns, and rushed towards Xianyang.

"Who is that?"

"It seems Huo Qubing, who came back with him?"

"Don't shoot, wait for him to come back, and ask the traitor, what's going on?"

Li Xin waved his hand.

"General Li, he came back alone this time, maybe he's here to convey the letter of surrender to us, thinking that we'll be like him, surrendering to the group of Huns who are long and crooked.

"wishful thinking!

"If he was such a person, Ben would have slashed him with a knife!"

Li Xin's eyes were full of monstrous anger, such a blatant betrayal was like challenging his face and dignity.

The direct provocation made him feel very uncomfortable in his heart.

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