Chapter 470 Young Heroes!

This person is unusual at first glance. Although he is young, he is full of arrogance. At the same time, there is a heroic spirit in his eyes that no one else has.

As soon as people see it, they feel that this child will become a great thing in the future.

Although his face was immature and immature, the average military veteran was the same height as him.

An old soldier beside him asked, "Wozi, how old are you this year?

"I am sixteenth "nine five seven" this year!"

"Good age, at your time, I was still helping to farm at home! 35

The lieutenant said, "But this task is very arduous. Not only do you go alone to tell them to use my whistle as an order, but you also have to help General Li Xin to bring the First Emperor back together. It is very possible that when you go, you will will never come back, so, will you go again?""

"Death, I'm not afraid anymore!"

The young man raised his heroic eyebrows and said, "My military exploits are no less than that of any of these old guys. It's real, I don't charge up, I don't fake it, I don't care to do those things! 35

"A good man is more than seven feet tall, so he should be concerned about national affairs. Now the emperor and General Li are in a desperate situation. As the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, there is no one who dares to take the lead. It seems that this candidate must be me! "9

The lieutenant glanced at him from head to toe, "Good boy, at such a young age, he is so enlightened, this matter will be handed over to you, and if you really accomplish this matter, we will do it for you in person. Celebration wine, let's have a good drink!

A smug look appeared on the brows of the young boy, and he immediately bowed his hands and thanked him, "At the end of the day, the mission will be honored!

After all, he was about to turn around and set off.

But the general suddenly grabbed him, "Boy, this is a very dangerous way to go, I'll give you a gadget, don't use it unless it's a last resort. 99

"This is?"

Taking the iron lump in his hand, he felt awkward, "Is this a weapon?"

"This is a thunderbolt. Because of the small number, it is rarely equipped. This thing is comparable to a thunderbolt. If the wire above is unplugged, it will explode within three breaths, so you must pull out the wire and throw it away. Going to the place with the largest number of Huns can save your life at a critical moment.

"And, what's your last name, what's your name?

The lieutenant's eyes wrinkled tightly, looking at the young boy in front of him, he always had an indescribable feeling, all in all, he was very fond of him.

Because in the eyes of this young man, what he saw was a spirit of heroism and arrogance, which only appeared when General Wang Jian was young. Of course, he could also see General Li Xin by chance. Pass……

This son is by no means an ordinary person.

But what is certain is that he is absolutely loyal to Daqin. If such a thousand miles of horses can meet Bole, then he will definitely be a rising star, a new round of rising sun in Daqin.

After all, the older generation of generals will gradually grow old. If there are talents in the country, there will always be future generations to take over the positions of these veterans. An unsafe end for the night. 2.2

Only to hear the young man speak: "My surname is Huo, and I call Huo Qubing!"

"Go sick, what does this mean?

"Because when I was a child, crying and screaming, an official broke out in a cold sweat, and then he was cured, so he was given the name Huo Qubing.

"Good name, heal me of Da Qin's injury, let's go and bring the emperor back safely!

After he finished saying this, Huo Qubing nodded, "Here!

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