Chapter 460 Blind in one eye!

The battlefield should have been noisy and messy, but now the situation is extraordinarily clear, and this calm is obviously temporary, and soon, the fighting will begin again.

Without any warning, this war really sounded the charge once again.

"Kill, kill for Laozi!"

"This Qin soldier is really cunning and cunning, how dare he lie to Laozi!

I saw General Udi covering one of his eyes, and the blood of "Nine Five Three" couldn't stop flowing from the gap in his palm.

"Damn it, got their shot. 35

It turned out that just now, I heard that there was a single horse from the rear coming to the savior, General Udi, who sent soldiers from the Qin army who had defected from the army to stop him.

Soon he escorted Liu Laosan back to their camp.

Unexpectedly, he didn't hide anything at all. Just as he was praising them for their merits, Li Si suddenly slashed over and caught his eye.

The three suddenly fought hard, and even led a lot of rebels from Liaodong and Liaoyuan to return to Daqin willingly.

Although he failed to successfully assassinate the enemy generals, he also gave the enemy a surprise, so that these soldiers could not exert their due combat effectiveness at all, but patronized and escorted their generals.

This allowed them to survive the first round of offense smoothly.

"General, are you all right?" Only one Huns lieutenant looked at him worriedly.

"If you have anything to do, just go and leave me alone!" General Udi looked at him angrily and said.

"Go, go!"

I saw the first two Huns with tall oxen and horses kicked a doctor who looked like a Qin man and came over.

"Hurry up, treat our general.

"I, I am not treating people, I am responsible for treating animals..."

"That's almost the same, hurry up, if you can't cure it, it will kill your dog!"

"Don't, I can try.

"But there is little hope."

There was a shortage of doctors in the Xiongnu army. At this time, they happened to see a Qin soldier who claimed to be a little skilled in medicine, so he mistook him for the doctor and invited him to treat General Udi.

Although General Udi was skillful in combat, he still had a relatively high degree of recognition of Da Qin in his heart. After all, such a formal feudal empire was a giant in his eyes.

Everything about Daqin made him yearn for it, otherwise he would not follow that Huyanchi to start such a war of aggression.

So when he saw the doctor Qin Ren come to treat him, he did not dodge, but accepted it happily.

And the consequence of this was that the doctor made a fuss about it for a long time, and the surrounding Huns also froze for a long time, feeling very uncomfortable.

But suddenly, there was a click.

There was a slight landing sound.

Everyone was stunned.

Looking at a round ball covered with dust on the ground.

"This is?

A Xiongnu lieutenant picked it up involuntarily, and after pondering carefully in front of him for a while, his expression was full of surprise.

"Is this the general's eyeball?!"

"Huh? 35

Udi opened the eyes of the 2.2 army abruptly, and even before he had any intuition, his eyes were blinded. Suddenly, he only felt that the eyes should have eyes with gods, but now only half of the field of vision is left.

The other half was completely pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

A gust of cool wind blew, and he only felt that the other side's face was cold and refreshing, as if he was relieved a lot, but the more this happened, the more desperate and angry he became.

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