Chapter 44 Continue to Lie Flat

"This kind of thing can't be delayed.

After she finished saying these words, she only saw Bai Hei nodded in front of her, 【However, it is best not to reveal your identity. The doctor treats people. If this person is the emperor, what if he kills him? ? Doesn't he have to follow along on the road? 】

[Let's keep a low profile. After I came back, I said that the first emperor was cut and wounded while doing business outside. He was very grateful for his recovery. 】

"It makes sense."

Yin Man nodded, then turned to leave.

Bai Zhi is thoughtful, this Bian Que is a genius doctor...

But wasn't he killed by the jealousy of King Wu of Qin's imperial physician Li Xi, why is he still alive now, is he really still alive?

Baihei has thousands of doubts in his heart, but he knows that he can't ask anyone to verify it, because the people of the Qin Dynasty may only say some superstitious words.

For example: The genius doctor Bian Que has done too many good deeds, and God has mercy on him, and wants him to continue to live, to help the world, and to benefit the suffering of the world.

So, asking is the same as not asking, these words are not what I want to hear.

But now, no matter how you say it, after Yin Man is gone, who else can listen to her mobilization?

There is no one around who can communicate normally, and now there is no suitable candidate for "shit shoveling officer No. 3", so we can't just pick just one person to be the one?

What he transmits is all state secrets. If he chooses the wrong person, he may cause chaos.

But if the situation is urgent, you can only take the risk to gamble, and you should be prepared early. After all, if Yinman and the First Emperor are not there, you will be the one who is alone.

Those civil servants must not be allowed to regard themselves as dumb iron-eating beasts, otherwise, wouldn't the court above become the world of those courtiers?

Thinking about it, Bai Zhu really couldn't think of a good candidate.

Just do nothing and lie down.

Sure enough, it is still the most comfortable to lie flat, move a small chair, and bask in the sun comfortably in the courtyard, isn't it good?

Why do you have to be hard on yourself?


Lie flat points +35!

[Conditional reward trigger: Mount Tai collapses in front without changing color, continue to lie flat]

Extra Flat Flat Points +350!


··For flowers....

Bai Hei was in a good mood, and when he exchanged two large packages of potato chips, he ate them.

Lie Flat Points -10

Lie Flat Points -10

Such a little cost, for the current self, it is just sprinkling water, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

After he finished these things with disdain in front of him, it didn't take long before he looked at such a comfortable environment around him and fell deeply into sleep.


At this moment, Yin Man listened to Bai Hei's words, thinking that it was quite the same thing, so soon, he asked the servant to bring a casual suit.

Even with this kind of simple clothes that can't be more simple, when she wears it, it seems like a little girl married into a poor boy's family.

After all, this temperament cannot be concealed. Some winking people in the folk can almost see that they are not ordinary people at a glance. Even the wealthy and wealthy people who have fallen from the family background are much stronger than some common people. .

After all, in this era, the rich are the rich and the poor are the poor. It is very easy to distinguish. It is very difficult for the poor to turn over in the true sense, and the upward channel is basically blocked.

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