I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 452 Easy to form fire gun soldiers

Chapter 452 Easy-to-form fire gun soldiers

As for the infantry, the powerful sphincter muscles of the archers are absolutely inferior. Almost all of their developed muscles are concentrated on the arms, and they don't need much strength at all, so that they can't draw the giant bow at all.

This is the difference.

And precisely because the training cost of archers is too high, the advantages of fire guns can be said to completely solve this problem.

The fire gun has a simple structure and is easy to use. Load the lead shot and gunpowder, then put it in, aim at the enemy and pull the trigger to kill the enemy.

This led to the fact that even if a Daqin soldier who had never seen this thing, even picked it up on the battlefield, he could just pick it up and use it, a convenient one.

Not only that, even a weak woman, an ordinary man, the moment you pick up the fire gun and face you, you are almost the closest to the King of Hell.

After all, the one-shot kill effect is no joke.

As long as the output is large enough, it is actually very easy to promote this thing.

So, the time cost is greatly reduced, but in this era, the labor cost is still a huge astronomical figure.

That's where wars burn money.

Perhaps the only way to reflect the preciousness of peace.

The idea of ​​white and black is actually a very beautiful existence.

After Xi Yingfeng fully understood the firearms factory, he allocated funds to build firearms, and personally inspected and inspected regularly, so that there must be no trouble.

After all, this thing is now a weapon of the country, the most important thing...

There can be absolutely no mistakes, otherwise if there is a problem, such as blowing the chamber, or the reloading speed is too slow, the saber in the hands of the enemy cavalry will not listen to any explanation from you, just rush over, and it will kill you. .

Therefore, the fire gun must pass the test in terms of quality.

Especially now, it was the first time that Fan Kuai was dispatched to lead the army, which was the top priority.

Even though it was only a large army expedition to defend the country, in fact, it was the Xiongnu troops who were used to fight with firearms by surprise.

Let them thoroughly taste the taste of death.

It is to let other veterans in other battalions who don't know fire guns, or who don't believe in fire guns, know that this thing can not only be used for fighting, but also extremely easy to use, and its lethality is even higher than that of bows and arrows. be bigger.

With this thing, the war horses of the Huns could not rush forward at all. They could only dismount and face off with the soldiers of the Great Qin in hand-to-hand combat.

Such an outcome is obvious. Once the war horse is lost, the Huns who lose the war horse are like losing their own legs. As long as this is the case, they will be surrounded and killed by the soldiers of the Great Qin.

But obviously, it may not be necessary for the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty to go forward and do it by themselves. As long as there is enough gunpowder on hand, change the ammunition again. When the enemy army completely enters the shooting range, they will all be shot and killed. Not staying alive.

This is the most economical decision.

(Nuo Mo Zhao) And those veterans in the military camp may be able to understand why they do so much.

Millions of old Qin people have worked so hard to conquer the country, they have indeed suffered a lot, a lot of hardships, but it still doesn't wear them down, it's just that too many people died. But now the weapon that Bai Zhu attaches great importance to is that it can stay in place when it is powerfully annihilating the enemy, which greatly reduces the casualties of the Qin army.

They didn't even have to leave the field when they were standing at the shooting site.

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