I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 450 Detaining the Head of the Han Family

Chapter 450 Detaining the Head of the Han Family

"Even the canned fruits they have been promoting are products within the scope of normal laws. After all, there is no law in Daqin that stipulates that imitation cans cannot be made for sale."

"Therefore, we must not be so easily shocked by the grass without reasonable evidence. 35

Xiao He tried his best to appease Yin Man's emotions, "Princess, don't worry, at the time of the assassination, "Nine Four Seven" I had already dispatched a number of soldiers from the Black Ice Platform to strictly monitor him. Move, report to you immediately.

"So far, it has not been found that he has any unreasonable thoughts.

"Could it be a mistake?"

Yin Man said suspiciously: "Although the cloth is said to be written in Korean characters, it seems that it was sent by the Han family. They can't be so stupid. Things, why not do it flawlessly?"

"Such an obvious flaw, obviously someone did it on purpose, wanting us to see this banner with Korean characters, and then frame the blame on the Han family in Yingchuan County.

[It's not necessarily like this, people just bet on your suspicion. 】

[If I am from Yingchuan County, what should I do if I want to make this mess?]

[Rather than tearing the face directly, it is better to take a gamble, maybe there is still the possibility of continuing chaos. 】

[After all, people are in the dark, but we are in the light. This kind of situation is very unfavorable for us. 】

[Every move we take now is actually walking on thin ice. If we accidentally take the next step, we will lose popular support. 】

[At a special time like now, if people lose their hearts and minds, then the consequences can be imagined, what will happen. 】

[Small-scale rebellion in light, and complete collapse of the control of Xianyang in severe cases. 】

Yin Man understood Bai Hei's meaning, "But there is also the possibility that other people will frame the slander. In this case, it can also let the never-shown initiator Mingzhe save his life, but instead let the Han family in Yingchuan County be the scapegoat. Such behavior, It will lead to the same consequences.”

"Yeah, if we really wronged Yingchuan County, then they can take this opportunity to attack the authority of the Great Qin court, so there will be no more credibility to speak of. His words of honor and honor are comparable to The words of the sage, if all the people of the world follow it, great chaos will arise, and the Great Qin will be in danger!" Xiao He suddenly woke up and said.

"This is a huge problem. Whether or not Yingchuan County is the ultimate mastermind behind the scenes, he plays an extremely important role." Yin Man gradually analyzed.

"I think that the Han family is not credible. Although the evidence today is not enough to prove his crime, he is still a character on the cusp of the storm. He would rather kill him by mistake than let it go."

Yin Man nodded, "This matter should not be taken too hastily."

"But you can't think about it in the long run and put it on hold!"

"Have to come up with a good solution immediately!

Xiao He said slowly: "I have a good way."

"What good way?"

"Speak quickly 2.2! 55

Yin Man looked at him in front of him with a little interest.

"That is, using the Jingyang Canned Food Factory as an excuse to invite the head of the Han family to discuss matters, and detain them in the capital, so as to contain the entire Han family from advancing and retreating.

"If the Han family really has a ghost in their hearts, then they will definitely react. Maybe, a huge conspiracy will be revealed in advance."

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