Chapter 446 Dividing the world

"What do you mean, isn't the emperor with a guard by his side?"

"of course not.

Guan Yunchang quickly explained: "The reason why I say this is actually for my own reasons.

"First, the current Daqin army is broken and scattered, and the formation should have collapsed long ago. With such a lineup, although the First Emperor brought a lot of black ice platform guards, after all, there are only a few people, and the cavalry of the local Huns is extremely mobile. Strong, if you insist on catching the first emperor, it is not a difficult task.

"As long as they are willing, they can quickly travel through the battlefield, causing obstacles and troubles to Daqin's army. In this case, in the chaos, the safety of the First Emperor 11 is indeed difficult to preserve."

"Second, if the news of Shi Huangdi's poisoning is true, it will make people feel even more chilled in the heart. Think about it, you are the monarch of a country, but in the end you are poisoned. If the military doctor around you is rough and unable to treat If it is saved, the longer the delay is, the soldiers of Da Qin will always have other thoughts..."

"You mean, treason?"

Li Xin looked at him in disbelief and waved his hand, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"I can't believe even if I kill you, the Qin army in Xianyang County, the capital of the Qin Dynasty, will rebel!"

"Even if they ate bear heart and leopard gall, they wouldn't do such a dirty thing."

"I firmly believe that this is impossible.

After he finished saying this, Guan Yunchang said, "Of course, maybe they won't rebel, but I'm not sure, those other people from the army of the Six Nations will not rebel?"

"When the original emperor deliberately transferred some of their armies from different vassal states in order to divide the remaining armies of the six kingdoms, the counties and counties across the country dispersed their forces to avoid concentrating on threatening Daqin again, and now something similar has happened. 99

"Even in the army stationed in Xianyang, the capital of Daqin, there are still many remnants of the army of the former Six Nations. After so many years, I am afraid that the pain of subjugation will never be forgotten."

"If there is such a chance, there is no guarantee that it will really resurface."

"According to the laws of Daqin, they were defeated in this war, coupled with the poor escort and empty army pay, if the first emperor really returned alive, then these people who were alive on the battlefield would definitely suffer a lot of blows when they returned. .

"But if it were another situation, it would be completely different."

"That is to use the First Emperor as a bargaining chip to send messengers to the Xiongnu camp to surrender.

"And now what the Huns want most is the living First Emperor."

Li Xin couldn't help but ask: "Actually, I've always wanted to ask, since I know that he is the ruler of a country and the only emperor in the world, why didn't he kill him and cause chaos in the world?"

"Isn't this a good thing for 943 to the Xiongnu?

After he finished saying these words, Guan Yunchang opened his mouth and said, "A good thing?

"It's actually a good thing for you to say that. 35

"But think about it carefully, if he really killed the First Emperor, what would be the consequences?"

"The remnants of the Daqin troops, as well as the soldiers and horses of the Qin Kings from all over the world, will all come to the front of the war as soon as possible to protect their own glory. , and the Huns, no matter how strong their cavalry capabilities are, could not use tens of thousands of people to deal with the entry and exit of a large army of hundreds of thousands of people.

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