Chapter 443 The first use

Most people think it's an inconvenient thing, very unfamiliar in their hands, not even as light as archery.

All in all, since ancient times, Chinese people have paid attention to hearing as false and seeing as believing. As long as it is invisible and intangible at the moment, it is not counted.

Now they can be said to be the first time to carry the firearms presented in white and black to the battlefield.

In fact, even Li Xin's heart was dubious.

I don't even understand why Lord Baihei believes that such a gadget can actually be used to fight, and even feels that he is embarrassing himself.

But in the end, rationality overcame the prejudice of the past. Even if he was still so young, he had fought for so many years and had led soldiers for so many years. The position of a general has always been there, but it has not been manifested for a long time. That's it.

His military talent and experience have not diminished at all. Under this circumstance, his fighting consciousness actually exists. He knows what is useful and what is useless.

It's just that the fire gun has never been used, and there is no precedent for it since ancient times, so he has some concerns in his heart.

But in the end, this concern (bbcc) was just a flash in the pan.

After all, he never thought that relying on this thing could determine the direction of the entire battlefield, of course, he did not know what the consequences would be.

Even when the Huns rushed over, he planned to pick up the spare long knife and fight with them.

Guan Yunchang is the same, "General, I thought that this eagle is worried about the dangerous terrain, high mountains and steep walls, even without the help of this batch of firearms, relying on the stones we transported, I'm afraid it will be smashed if it rolls down. A large number of Huns died."

"Besides, although we don't have many cavalry, no matter what we say, the advantage of the Huns' cavalry lies in the open area, and in this valley of eagles and sorrows, it can be said to be a thin line of sky, and it is impossible to carry out large-scale raids. Our one-on-one frontal resistance, like this, the advantage naturally lies in our side.”

"At that time, the Daqin army only needs to set up a shield formation in the valley and press forward step by step, plus the ambush on both sides of the cliff, it will definitely be able to wipe out all the enemies who enter the valley."

Li Xin nodded, "Why do you think so?"

Guan Yunchang said: "Because I feel that when the enemy is outnumbered and the enemy is outnumbered, bluffing is not a shameful thing, but a tactic to delay troops.

"The reinforcements on both sides of the side can be described as the bigger the noise, the better.

"In this case, coupled with the echo of the valley, it spreads in all directions, and the enemy army mistakenly thinks that our army is ambushing them here. In this way, they will lose a bit psychologically. At that time, we will send another team. The fire gun team quietly circled back, cut off their back path, and gave them a urn to catch the turtle.

Li Xin nodded and said, "Brothers, this is the first time our Daqin Empire has used fire guns to fight. You are all shooting talents selected from many people, and you all have extremely high shooting talents. , For talents like you, Lord White and Hei will definitely give you important tasks in the future, and the future is limitless."5

"Sir Baihei attaches great importance to the development of firearms, and even hesitant to gather people from the world to discuss and study in Jingyang, and invest a lot of money for the opening of the gunpowder factory.

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