Chapter 439

Looking back and looking at the various actions of the first emperor Zhao, it did bring a vision of peace that the people rarely asked for.

Anyway, he is not a fool.

At most, it is a desire for quick success and instant benefit, and I can't wait to create a prosperous scene of a great country.

But the more anxious, the greater the harm to the people, and the more serious the loss of people's hearts.

This is by no means alarmist rhetoric, but true.

Although Qin's law is harsh, but for the country, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and ruling the country by law can solve a lot of worries for the officials and the emperor.

With severe punishment, can those ignorant people know after a hundred years what they should do and what they should not do, peaceful and prosperous, such a Daqin would be in the eyes of the First Emperor, the prosperous one. Prosperity.

No rules no standards.

Because of the serious legal punishment, today's people are extraordinarily abiding by a series of laws and regulations formulated by the First Emperor.

Therefore, if the current Huyanchi wanted to move the First Emperor, then the first thing to do was to capture but not kill.

Only by relying on the Son of Heaven to rule the world, can it be possible to win the hearts and minds of the people of the world, otherwise, once the first emperor dies tragically by his own sword, the news of his death will be sent back to Xianyang, and the world will be announced, then the following will follow. , it will be a world chaos.

Because the first emperor is the maker of severe criminal laws, if he dies, then these laws will cease to exist, and soon, if there is no second emperor to turn the tide, hold great power, and stabilize the government, it will lead to various counties and counties. The army was divided, and there was even a possibility of rebellion.

After a person has been imprisoned for a long time, the more ferocious they are released.

What's more, the nobles of the Six Kingdoms have always relied on the only capital in their hands to constantly occupy resources to develop their own power, and they are eager to spy on the Great Qin Dynasty.

When the First Emperor was there, they didn't dare to act rashly, but once he was really killed, the matter would be completely different.

Don't dare to think about it.

This world is very likely to be divided again.

The Great Qin Jiangshan, which has been conquered by millions of Qin people, and the unified empire created by the First Emperor, are very likely to fall into differentiation again and re-evolve into the chaotic era of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

・・For flowers....

However, Huyanchi only sent ten Xiongnu cavalry to search, which made the lieutenant who tied up his temples beside him feel puzzled.


"Are ten people too few? Our Huangsha Camp has nearly three hundred people. Why don't we send more people to search?"

"It's really thankless to search the large stone mountain in front of you."


"There are more people, maybe..."

"what are you talking about?"

Huyan glared at him coldly and said, "Qiharsu, I ask you, if it were you, and I escaped from the enemy's pursuit with my dying man, what would you do if the horse collapsed?"

"I will carry you behind my back and swear to escape, and I will never give up easily.

"However, with your two legs, how can you outrun the enemy's warhorse?


"I will try my best!

"any solution?"

Qiharsu turned his eyes and glanced anxiously at the war horse lying on the ground. He quickly understood, "I will create a false sign leading to another place to confuse the enemy." .

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