Chapter 437

Therefore, in any case, he cannot be captured by the enemy, let alone watch the king of Da Qin fall into the hands of these barbarians.

If it is said that even surrender will be a dead end, then there is nothing to worry about. If you draw such a clear boundary for yourself, you have already lost any choice.

Now, there is no other way for me to go, either, I die directly, and maybe I can still be a loyal and brave martyr.

Otherwise, even with great reasons, it would be difficult to prove his innocence.

After all, there are some things in this world that are absolutely untouchable, and it is best not to even think about them, otherwise, you will only end up causing endless trouble to yourself.

"If you want to take my Daqin Emperor's life, you must pass me first.

In Zhao Wugen's hatred eyes, a ray of light emerged.

When even I saw that he gave up the war horse under his crotch, carried the First Emperor on his back, and used a long spear as a support, and walked step by step toward the deep mountain not far away.

This is the only way now, to avoid it for the time being, maybe there is a chance of life.

The warhorse collapsed, if at this time he was still on foot with the First Emperor, I am afraid that they would have completely ruined the lives of two people before they could get out of the great canyon of Yingjianchou.

So now he can be said to have made the most sensible decision, that is, to give up and continue to move forward into Yingjianchou.

But whether it can successfully reach Xianyang is actually a matter of probability.

Maybe he could really just carry the Shi Huangdi on his back into Yingjianchou, and escaped before they came.

But unless it is a divine manifestation, otherwise, the Huns’ horses will run and fight all the year round. They are faster than their war horses and have better endurance. Under such unique conditions, if they can’t catch up with him, it is simply not a big deal. things that might happen.

However, Zhao Wugen's final choice proved that he was completely correct in doing so.

Because not long after, he saw the Xiongnu elite cavalry that rushed over.

In this mountain range, which is far from the eagle's sorrow, there are no lush towering forests, nor any green bushes, and even a basic weed may not grow.

Almost at a glance, it is a stone mountain.

However, there are a lot of rubble. The stones here are short and large. At a glance, you can almost see the whole picture. As long as someone walks in this area, it is easy to be discovered.

When Huyanchi came here with his Huangsha Camp, he hesitated for a moment, but soon he saw the tricky.

"..the smell of blood"",

His nose moved.

The Xiongnu general beside him also said, "Yes, Khan, such a strong smell of blood nephew."

"How can there be blood in this deserted place? 35

"Emperor Qin, it must be around here!

"You guys, go search and search!"

After he finished saying these words, it didn't take long for a soldier who was scattered and searched around Zhou (Nuo Mo's) to say, "Behind a broken stone bag in front, I found a A tired warhorse!"

"And the weapons and equipment he threw away.

Huyanchi dismounted after hearing the words, and quickly stepped forward to take a look. A character resembling a lieutenant beside him had thick hair on his temples and looked at him with fierce eyes like a knife. Said: "The horses haven't died for a long time, and even the blood is hot, they can't run very far."

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