I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 430 Lan Tie ordered to stabilize the army!

Chapter 430 Lan Tie ordered to stabilize the army!

"As long as the general gives an order, we will fight to the death! 55

He just listened to the Qin army's short soldiers in front of him looking at him firmly and said.

"Don't you lie to me when the term expires?

Lan Tie had a disappointed look, "I'm just a lieutenant general on this expedition. I'm usually the same as you. I'm one of the hundred generals. Why should you obey my orders?"

66 "Nine Twenty Three" Haven't you disobeyed me in private?"


"Although we are all at the same level in normal times, but on this battlefield, we all bow down to you, General!

"I don't believe that."

"I can be a lieutenant general, can't you generals be this lieutenant general?"

"I know that you are not convinced by me. I have killed many brothers in this battle. When the time comes, I will ask the emperor to apologize, but before that, I also ask you brothers to be more tolerant to me, as long as you swear to obey. According to my order, all the crimes that are unfavorable to escort can be borne by me alone, and you, as long as you have survived this last test of heaven, that is, the elite Huns cavalry of nearly 10,000 people rushed in front of you, you will be able to take the blame and make merit. Rewards after the battle!

"I haven't done anything major in my life, but the luckiest thing in my life is to meet you brothers who are born and die. Although most of us don't know each other, but this time back, if I didn't get executed, I would Then we, nine times out of ten, will be tied together for the rest of our lives."

"If the time comes, you are willing to follow me, that's all. If you don't want to go to other generals to do it, I will not stop you."

"I just hope that after I die, you can put a stick of yellow incense on my grave and pour a bowl of strong wine, and that will be enough!


The hundred generals in front of them and the remaining Daqin warriors, with their steel-like bodies, did not say a word in the face of the sharp impact of the Huns, but at this moment, all of them burst into tears...

They couldn't help it.

"General, stop talking..."

"All of us generals of a hundred people are not as good as you. This time, the leader of our own army should be you. If it wasn't for you, if you issued a horse-grabbing order and let the brothers self-destruct and create chaos to deal with the enemy army, I'm afraid it will not be at all. There will be a clear situation now, and not so many brothers are still alive!"

"We all thank you!""

"To be able to work with you, it's really a smoke from the ancestral grave in the past life.."

"General Zhao is not as good as you!"

"Yes, General!"

"General! 35

All the soldiers of the Qin army cried out and let out a moaning sound.

"If you are good or bad, our brothers will die, and you will also bite down two pieces of his mother's Huns!""

"It doesn't matter who dies, if you die, General, we are all alone in this siege!"

"General, you are the heart of the generals now, don't back down!


Lan Tie's eyes filled with tears, and when he pulled out the long knife around his waist, he pointed directly at the dashing Huns in front of him.

"Let 2.2 horses ride the wind for thousands of miles, and go straight to Qiong Yao and Tian Chou!

The heroic words inspired the heart of the army.

All up and down, all sighed for it.

With such a general in charge, why worry that the Huns will not be destroyed?

So, they confronted the past head-on.

On the plain, there is no rough terrain, which can be called a paradise for cavalry.

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