Chapter 406 Take the Horse!

Usually two cavalry teams in a hostile position rush to kill, and they are all slashing round after round. In the end, whichever side survives, which side wins.

Furthermore, the two sides only rush to kill once, or after entering the enemy lineup by surprise, they will engage in a melee immediately, and finally the party with the largest number of remaining people will be the winner.

But what they never expected was that the Great Qin soldiers in front of them didn't give them any chance to find out the battle situation at all.

The battlefield became more and more chaotic. At the end, the enemy and the enemy were indistinguishable, and the target was unclear. The Huns lost their way.

Some Xiongnu soldiers fell to the ground after they died, not knowing how they died.

He could only witness everything on the battlefield in a state of a dead body, and finally was trampled into a piece of flesh by the iron hooves of the war horse.


"The battle of the trapped beasts is not worth mentioning!"

"Pass my order, fight to the death, and the latter will die!"

General Udi waved the machete in his hand and roared viciously.

Soon, many Huns cavalry all rushed up.

He was killed together with the desperate Qin Jun.

The life-and-death struggle has just begun, and people from both sides are constantly falling off their horses and dying in this bitter cold place.

But there are still people who rushed forward one after another to die, or to kill the enemy.

The large-scale support of the Xiongnu cavalry has indeed had a certain effect, restraining the chaotic situation, not letting those vanguards lose too ugly, and abruptly propped up the scene, and they are evenly matched with the Qin army.

But Rao is like this, and it is impossible to resist the Qin army's attack, at best, it is just wasting.

Even if the Qin army is not organized, it is better than the large number of people. Once they have seized their war horses and rushed over, no one can stand it.

No matter what kind of elite teachers, they are afraid of a large number of desperadoes.

In the future, Li Zicheng and other rogues from the Central Plains in the late Ming Dynasty were a large group of desperadoes who were forced to rebel. No matter how brave the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were, they were only doing things for the money. , can only be able to resist by relying on the advantages of swords and guns and armor.

Otherwise, under the same conditions, no one is the opponent of the desperadoes.

Unless, there is only one possibility, that is, both sides are dying, then it depends on who is more ruthless.

Just like two wild beasts standing in the jungle, whoever is more powerful and whoever is more ferocious will be able to survive at the end of the fight, become the winner, and get the spoils.

In fact, this unwritten rule applies on the battlefield as well.

However, after a large number of Huns entered the battlefield, the already chaotic battlefield became even more chaotic. During the war, the Qin army's advantage was even more magnified.

With warhorses, they have also gained the advantage in equipment.

Compared with the Xiongnu elite cavalry in front of them, the only disadvantage is that after fighting for too long, their physical strength is gradually exhausted, but under the excitement, the body has long forgotten these fatigues. One feels tired.

Their task was to hold back a large number of Xiongnu troops and stand firm for assistance.

And General Lan Tie's strategy is indeed correct. Under such a disadvantage, it is rare to be able to achieve such a level and continue to fight against the Xiongnu without losing the wind.

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