Chapter 402 Successful Breakthrough

Because they were wearing heavy armor after all, and there were countless bloodthirsty Xiongnu cavalry elites protecting each other, it was impossible to break out of the encirclement.

The Daqin rebellious veteran quickly fell behind. A black ice platform soldier stabbed a short dagger into the belly of the horse from below. Just when he was alert, the warhorse under his crotch jumped up from his front hooves and cried out.

Hearing a thud, everything on the horse's back fell to the ground, and the Da Qin rebel was half dead.

He opened his mouth, and all he spit out was blood.

The bright red is frightening.

Of course, no one sympathized with him because of this, but this scene made people feel very happy.

At this moment, Zhao Wugen suddenly rushed over and raised the sharp sword in his hand.

He pointed directly at the throat of the Da Qin rebels in front of him, leaving him no chance at all.

"go to hell!"


The sharp sword directly pierced his throat, causing him to be completely buried here. Even when he died, he did not close his eyes, and it was unclear.

The Xiongnu warriors who rushed to the side, because the rescue came late, after seeing him dead, they fled this place one after another.

I saw a dark-skinned soldier from the Black Ice Platform smashed a bloody path ahead, used his body to clear the way for him, and tried his best to shout: "Don't hesitate any more, the general will quickly lead the emperor to break through."35

"Go! 99

"Come out with me!

They made up their minds, and all of a sudden they took Zhao Wugen and rode on the horses of the Huns.

Although the war horse is said to be battle-hardened, and its body is full of slashes and scars, but fortunately, it is still a good horse that can lead the emperor to escape.


"Brothers, as soon as I return to Xianyang, I will bring my troops back to save you!"

"Never give up on anyone!

"hold onto!"

"The emperor's life is on the body, everyone sitting here will be the hero of this escort, if you can survive, you will have a bright future, and you will have no worries!

After he finished speaking, he slapped the horse's back violently, and after the war horse let out a hoarse cry, it rumbled and rushed forward with him.

The whole figure shuttled across the battlefield like a sharp arrow.

Countless Huns made way for him, because the speed was so fast that once they hit him, they would be seriously injured if they didn't die, and no one dared to stop him easily.

However, the Huns of this brigade were already their last line of defense. Once they broke through, it was equivalent to escaping from life.

The Huns who had come to their senses just wanted to pursue them, but they were quickly shot down by the Zhuge Liannu in the hands of the first few Black Ice Platform soldiers.

General Lan Tie even took some personal guards and rode the war horses of the Huns, rushing up frantically and killing them together.

Today's Qin army's morale has soared, and all of them seem to have turned into desperadoes. Now they have no fear of life and death. As long as the first emperor can escape, there is still hope for them all.

If you win this battle, you will win everything.

(Normally good) Glory, wealth, power, and future promotion are all included in this battle, which is enough to show the importance of this battle, and it is indeed an incomparable existence.

The Xiongnu generals who came with the Daqin rebels saw that Zhao Wugen and others had fled with the First Emperor, and they were furious.

Waving the heavy sword in his hand, he chopped down the two Great Qin soldiers, trampled the corpses like cutting tofu, and then shouted in a mighty rage, "Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death are not worthy of being our enemies!"

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