Chapter 394 Rebels

"As far as I know, there are no such warriors in the major military camps in Daqin."

"Good generals are forced out by the situation."

Liu Laosan said: "General Wang Jian, and General Bai Qi of that year, every battle is a big battle with strong soldiers and well-prepared, and there has never been such a defeat, let alone such a victory with less. 's evil battle.

"This kid, he really has a hand! 99

"It will be a great thing in the future!"

After he finished saying these words, when he saw a companion beside him, he said, "Lord, look, who is on the other side?

"Looking at this situation, are the support troops from Shangdang County and Yingchuan County here?


"As long as we have their help, we will definitely be able to form an antagonism with them. No matter how bad it is, we can also make the Huns divide their troops into two places, and their strength will be greatly reduced. In any case, it is a good thing for our Qin army."

"What's more, the number of cavalry of the Huns is actually not many. Together, they are indeed powerful, and they are war harvesting machines. However, once the troops are divided into two places, their strength will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to send the emperor to break out. will be much lower.

"Moreover, the spies have been sent out countless times. There must be one who has conveyed it. Whenever the news of Shi Huang's siege is heard in Xianyang City, he will definitely send reinforcements out..."


"I have heard from hearsay that the First Emperor limited the power of Bai and Hei before the imperial expedition. If it sends troops to help, in the end, the First Emperor will still punish it."

"But as long as the orders related to white and black have to pass through the mouth of Princess Yinman, does the princess also watch her father die?"

After he finished saying these words, when even the person in front of him said, "Of course it won't be like this."9

"But it's better not to get your hopes up.

"No, what happened to those reinforcements in Yingchuan County? 35

"Why shoot arrows at your own people?"

"No, that's not reinforcements. Those are all rebels from the Six Nations. They have become accomplices of the Huns. Now the two parties are linked together to attack our Daqin army..."

After the Qin Jun veteran finished saying these words, his own people were silent again.

"It's civil unrest!"

"Da Qin was not afraid of the Xiongnu, but because of the civil strife, the outside was originally indestructible, and the collapse of the inside was difficult to guard against.

・・Ask for flowers・

"It's a pity that things can't fulfill your wish and mine.

"We just have to do our best to serve our country.

"After living for so many years, being able to die on the battlefield, defending the family and the country, and if you can leave a good name after death, it will be worth it."

Liu Laosan said with a sense of sympathy: "Yes, if the emperor can remember us, the old men who have fought for Daqin for most of our lives, I hope that our family can enjoy happiness and be treated leniently... "


"It's a coincidence."

"I'm an orphan, helpless and at a loss.""

"Even if the emperor wants to give us a reward, I'm afraid I don't know where the reward will go, haha..."

"Who told you boy not to work hard, to live such an old age, in the end, he didn't even get a wife!


"Bah, look at all of you proud, Laozi is a hero, and it's not uncommon for heroes to disregard their children's love! 35

"If the three of us can survive, Mr. Deng, I'll introduce you to the widow at the east end of our village...


"Of course it's true, the grandson of the turtle lied to you."

"That's great!""

"It's a word! 99

"Haha..." Knife.

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