Chapter 391 Bloody Battle of the Huns

This Xiongnu general is really not a vegetarian, and is more difficult to deal with than his ordinary soldiers.

But this couldn't stop him, he got under the horse, the knife in his hand was about to stab him upside down, no one could resist.

But what I never expected was that this Xiongnu general was bloated and strong, but he was extremely agile on the horse's back, and he saw that he grabbed the saddle with one hand, and then took advantage of the force, soared up, and kicked after dismounting. on the soldier.


A mouthful of blood spit out.

But under his fierce gaze, it was obvious that he did not intend to let anyone go, and the machetes followed one after another.

Seeing that this new recruit was about to be hit, he didn't expect that at this moment, the veteran leader suddenly appeared in front of him, and was hit by the knife.



The new soldier Danzi knew the power of this Xiongnu general's knife, and with a single blow, it pierced his stomach, his intestines hung on his blood-stained blade, and he retracted it with a puff.

"Don't be afraid, he will come to accompany you soon.

After he finished saying these words, the new soldier Danzi was still immersed in the sadness after the death of the veteran who often took care of him in front of him.

But what he didn't expect was that at this time, the Xiongnu general in front of him still did not intend to let him go, and the machete in his hand was raised again.

Seeing it, he was about to fall, but what he didn't expect was that a sharp sword blocked it.


Metals collide, making the harsh sound of golden iron horses!

The weapons of the Huns were heavy, but not as hard as the swords precision forged by the Qin army.

"Come on!

I just listened to the general of the Qin army who was wearing black armor.

"Leave him alone! 35

"Go, or fight to the end, and avenge him! 35

Only to hear the soldier frown tightly, turn his head to look at him in front of him and speak.

"Brother, you, are you all right? 99

"You, you must not die!""

It seems that this new recruit is really not afraid of death. On the battlefield, he doesn't even care about it. He is saddened by the death of a veteran, and even chooses to fight passively.

Unexpectedly, the Huns at this moment did not give them any breathing time at all.

But the Qin army general who stopped in front would not give him any chance to attack.

"With my blue iron here, you Huns will never take half a step across the Thunder Pond.

"Lan Tie, is that you?"

"My brother, Ubang Totomer, died under your torture.


Lan Tie's face was stunned, "I don't know the name of the person you said, which of my dead souls is?"

The Xiongnu general's face was ashen, "If I was slashed by you on the battlefield, I wouldn't be so angry with 897."

"But he was tied up by you, tied behind a horse and dragged to death. 35

"Today, I must avenge my brother!

After his roar fell, he raised the machete in his hand and rushed towards Lan Tie when he could only see him.

"Okay, you will end up like your brother, and you will become my dead soul."

"Speak crazy!

The Xiongnu man's eyes lit up, and he slashed with a machete.

Lan Tie was dressed in fine black armor, and he was not afraid of him at all. The sharp blade in his hand slashed even more desperately.


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