Chapter 388 The Shadow of That Man

"But no matter how you say it, you also have your skills. Back then, when the Chu State had hundreds of thousands of troops, the king asked General Wang Jian how many troops and horses would be needed to destroy the Chu State, Wang Jian said 600,000 troops, and then asked you how many troops and horses he needed, but only After 200,000, the queen said that General Wang Jian was old. As a result, you defeated the Chu army in Pingyu, and then took advantage of the victory to conquer Yanying, and repeatedly established extraordinary achievements.

"Your ability has never been doubted, but what you have done is very unbelievable. If you can be more mature and stable, then I, Daqin, will add another fierce general.

"So this time, I plan to let Guan Yunchang and General Guan go with you, and send five hundred elite cavalry to go to the Huo 897 Camp to get high-quality long and short guns, go to the enemy's encirclement, rescue the first emperor, and return to Xianyang."

"Remember, there are only five hundred people. Your number is several times less than the enemy's, but your weapons and equipment are several times better than the enemy's. As long as you take your father back to the Yingjianchou Canyon, the overall situation will be stabilized. .

"As long as the enemy dares to catch up, let's make none of them escape. 55

"How about it, can you do it? 99

After he finished the question with Yinman's tone of voice, he even shouted angrily, "The last general, even if he dies, he must keep his reputation, and he will be slashed by a thousand swords, so don't be ashamed of this man! ""

"It's good to have this thought, go ahead, take the elite cavalry, go straight to the enemy camp, and bring my father and emperor out safely, this is your task."

"The last will obey."

After receiving this order, Li Xin quickly turned around and left.

Bai Hei snorted coldly, but didn't have any idea, "I can't think of it, now you can actually be on your own. 】

【Not bad. 】

【Primary and secondary are clear, there is a shadow of your father. 】

Yin Man raised the corners of his mouth proudly, "How are you, are you convinced? 99

[It's just that it's not right, your idea is good, kill the messengers in front of everyone to stabilize people's hearts, and leave General Li Xin after the meeting, and send him to rescue your father and emperor with a small group of elites. The practice is not completely (bbcc) desirable, do you know why?]

Yin Man shook his head, but was very curious about what Bai Hei wanted to express to himself.

[Because if Li Xin led the elite troops to rescue, he would definitely be discovered by the defenders of the city gate. If you didn't dispatch the soldiers from the Black Ice Terrace to arrange everything in advance, you would hide the situation of the battle and ignore the life of your father and brother. The matter will spread throughout Daqin, do you accept such an ending?]

[Of course, Li Xin is a sensible person. He may not just confess that you sent him out, but you forgot one thing. After the meeting today, you left him in front of all the ministers. , Isn't this worthy of suspicion?]

"When the time comes, I will have a way to explain it."

"Let's just say that I was dubious about the news of the messenger, so I sent General Li Xin to relieve the siege to see if what he said was true or not.

Bai Hei snorted coldly, [You have more ideas. 】

At this moment, on the battlefield ahead.

The Huns had already entered their encirclement.

This will be the last glory of the Daqin army.

At first glance, this proposed general is not an ordinary person, with thick heroic eyebrows, a fierce look on his thin face, and eyes like torches, which are as frightening as a tiger.

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