Chapter 363

[But this matter, I can't do it. 】

[Lao Zhao has repeatedly emphasized to me that he wants to win this battle with the ability he has in his hands, and forbids me to take action. Besides, the military power is not in my hands, even if I want to go, the first emperor may not let you go. 】

Yin Man does not understand what Bai Hei means, and it is impossible to convey the words word by word. He can only listen to what Bai Hei will say.

"Then what if you can't give orders?"

Yin Man suddenly felt that the situation was a little serious, and said anxiously: "What time is it, the father and the emperor are almost in a situation of life and death, and they are besieged by the enemy army. I just want to ask for help, but I can't send a messenger at this moment..."

"Can't we cut first and then play?

【After all, this is not a trivial matter. A gentleman has a lot of words. Your father, the emperor, originally wanted to establish his own prestige in this matter, and he did not want to be scolded by literati. This time it is good. Prestige will be lost. 】

"Then can't we just sit back and watch?"

Anxious Yin Man is very worried about the life and death of her father and eldest brother, just like a daughter in an ordinary (bbcc) family who is worried about her parents.

At this moment, Fan Kuai, who was silent on the side, suddenly spoke up, "Hmph, if the First Emperor has the power not to issue orders to you, then he will..."


Yin Man shook his head and said, "Although Father Huang and the others are in critical condition, they are not so disorganized. How much credit you have built in your life, General, how much blood and sweat you have shed, how can you ruin your innocence?"

"This is absolutely not possible. My mood is even more urgent than yours."

Fan Kuai said, "Thank you Princess for your kind words and persuasion."

As soon as the words fell, he glanced at the god and looked at Bai Hei here. The latter also looked straight at him. Even though it looked a bit like a human being, Fan Kuai still understood it. mean.

Baihei is really a smart thing, and this performance is almost no less than that of any famous counselor.

"But for the sake of Daqin's life and death, the general will do his best and die."

"This matter has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with Lord Bai Hei.

【Are you saying that Daqin is now at the juncture of life and death?】

No matter who said this sentence, it was a bit piercing to the ears, even if it was Yin Man, after saying it, he still couldn't believe that it came from his own mouth.


"The last commander means..."

He couldn't explain it for a while, and turned himself into a dead end.

However, the Yin Man in front of him suddenly said, "Have you been conspiring for a long time?"

"No, absolutely not.

"The last general has always been loyal to Da Qin, and the sky can learn from it! 99

"Princess, don't you talk nonsense?"

"Sir Baihei, you, don't you believe in the last commander? 35

Sitting on the collapsed platform, Bai Hei didn't say much, but just stared at him in front of him in an ordinary way.

But I saw Yin Man speak again: "Who in Daqin doesn't know that General Fan Kuai is loyal to your country and has a sincere heart for Daqin?"

"But, I also understand that this person is all selfish, and there is no such thing as a loyal and selfless person, and he is also perfect.

"You also said before that you have spent most of your life fighting for Daqin to kill the enemy, but this year, you have not made any contributions. Isn't this what you want to ask for?"

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