I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 361 Division of Labor Arrangements

Chapter 361 Division of Labor Arrangements

[The crime of the Xiongnu is the end of the force. This is something you and I both know and there is no doubt about it. J

[But the Daqin army has always violated the taboo of underestimating the enemy. 】

[Thinking that Daqin soldiers are invincible in the world, such arrogance and morale-boosting words can also be taken seriously? 】

[The time and place are convenient and the people are friendly, and almost all of them were occupied by the Xiongnu army. The soldiers of the Qin Dynasty gathered hundreds of thousands of people to go out to the battlefield in a hurry, and the others were almost well-equipped, and most of them were cavalry. With hundreds of thousands of rebel troops from the Six Nations to resist the frontal battlefield, how can Daqin soldiers be their opponents after the two sides fight?]

[If you want to destroy a strong enemy, you need to use strange objects to control it. 】

I saw Bai Hei nodded at this time, looking at the Xi Yingfeng who was in front of him very much, "The matter of the gunpowder factory is in your hands, don't be greedy and bend the law, this is the most important thing, it's just a reward to you. The amount of oil and water will be an astronomical figure. Don't think about the money for casting firearms, even if it is your subordinates.

Otherwise, I will apologize with your head, do you understand?]

Yin Man told him truthfully, Xi Yingfeng's eyes suddenly felt a lot of pressure, but this huge uneasiness was dispelled by Yin Man's next sentence.

"This matter is related to the foundation of the country's prosperity and strength, and the national prestige of Daqin must be taken seriously. The white and black orders will not treat anyone in the fire gun factory badly. Therefore, the fire gun factory's manufacturing environment, craftsmanship, and quality are the most important. The control must be strict. Of course, in private, you can also reasonably use sample tests according to folk methods to create new crafts or new works. If feasible, white and black will be rewarded.

"I understand now, I will die, and I will take it seriously.

At this moment, Xi Yingfeng carries a heavy sense of national pride in his heart, which can be said to be the only shining point in his mediocre career.

Perhaps by virtue of this, it is possible to make a name for it in the history, and it is not a bad idea.

Because he also understands in his heart that what he is doing now is something that has never existed in ancient times. It belongs to a brand-new thing. It is not easy to control, but it can also bring endless vitality and development to the heaven and earth.

With the development of time, the invention of the fire gun, which is right and wrong, will be commented by future generations.

[Okay, now that you understand, the most urgent task is to solve the problem in front of you, and you will immediately ride on the Suzaku Organ Beast to forge 20,000 long and short fire guns and 10,000 cannons. 】

After listening to Yin Man, Xi Yingfeng immediately got up and left, "As ordered.

As he left, Bai Hei turned his attention to the two generals next to him.

【Do what?】

【Are you in such a hurry to die?】

Yin Man coughed, but did not fully convey its meaning.

883 [Hu Hai, you are dishonest here every day, and cause me so many dirty things every day. If you were not the prince, I would have to break your head open. 】

【However, your boy is rebellious and no one listens. But I can also see that you are sincere and loyal for the sake of Da Qin. When a man grows up, he should be self-improving, pick up a sword and go on the battlefield to kill the enemy. Good thing, I'm ready. 】

"Sister Yinman, is what Lord Baihei said true?"

Hu Hai raised his head in surprise and looked at Princess Yinman in a plain dress and a light skirt in front of him, and a burst of ecstasy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

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