Chapter 343 Don't Pull Me Up

[Right, it's almost the same, the idea that you came up with alone is good, but don't pull the other people beside you into the ditch. 】

Yin Man nodded, "Okay, I won't pull you."

This is Bai Zhu, who showed a mean smile, changing his face faster than turning over a book.

Of course, if it happened to a minister or a normal person, it would be an unforgivable death penalty.

But this is white and black. As long as the first emperor approves, his status as a protector of the country is equivalent to an existence beyond the emperor's power, and he can do whatever he wants. There is no law that he cannot violate, and he can do anything.

After all, in ancient China, the people obeyed the orders of princes and generals, but the princes and generals were less than something called "Mandate of Heaven".

Because all people are born unable to escape the fate of death, every day they live is preparing for their own funeral.

The emperor is no exception. No matter how holy the king is, he will grow old and die, because he is only a mortal, even if he has the highest power in the world, he will not be able to escape this disaster in the end.

Therefore, they all believe that there are gods in the sky, and there is something called "Tao" in the world.

Violation of "the way of heaven" will be punished by heaven.

Follow the "Tao of Heaven (bbcc)" and get fortune.

In the end, he died in the right place, and there was a "Tao" factor in it.

They are afraid that the gods will bring disasters, because in their eyes, the gods are the existence of a super-powerful species that is beyond the mortal world. They can give blessings and at the same time have the ability to destroy everything.

The first emperor had the idea of ​​acknowledging "immortals", which means that no matter what happens, Bai Zhu, who is supported by "immortals", is the supreme existence.

Baihei is the divine beast sent by the immortals to help him rule the country.

White and Black Tsundere snorted, and immediately thought, "As expected of a generation of virtuous women, Her Royal Highness really has the heart to help so many ordinary people, but I doubt that these people are waiting for you. After the help, is there a way to fill the stomach, or after eating this meal, I will continue to be hungry, waiting for you to eat?]

[In other words, after you have been diligent and thrifty for a period of time, suddenly you are unable to provide assistance for other reasons, will they retaliate and scold you for being immoral and conscientious outside?]

Yin Man shook his head and said, "Of course not."

"As long as I treat people with sincerity, even if the situation you describe occurs one day, I have no money on hand, and when I can't guarantee my food and clothing, I can't give them any surplus food, but I believe, Relying on the good reputation brought by the aid to them before, as long as I explain things to them thoroughly, everything can be solved easily.

[A large group of bastards who have nothing to do outside, actually met a wealthy family who gave charity and could eat and drink for free. They have lived for so much of their lives. 】

[What, suddenly one day this rich family disappeared, explaining that the business is not good, there is no money, bah, what a bullshit reason, if you don't want to help us poor people, just say it, no peace of mind! 】

Yin Man's face became very ugly, "The common people rely on farming to support themselves, and I gave them these food, because some people have no land to grow, so I will give assistance as appropriate, I didn't expect to raise such a thing. Some white-eyed wolves come out."

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