Chapter 335

The words of the veteran made the new recruit in front of him feel scared, and at the same time made a lot of psychological preparations.

"Grandma, if you die, you will die, there is so much nonsense, but don't worry, it's up to us now, don't worry, even if you die, I will take care of you, eldest brother, even if you die. , Those little devils want to bully you, but there is no way, they have to pass me first."5

"Hey, "870" was originally a little scary to me, but after what you said, eldest brother, I'm not afraid anymore..."

"Stinky boy..."

While the two were talking quietly, the Huns who were examining the corpse suddenly withdrew.

The old soldier lying on the ground half-squinted his eyes and looked at the Xiongnu general here, and saw the fierce face of a strong man in a mink coat, full of impatience, although he could not understand the words in his mouth. Chatting to say something, but based on his years of experience, it is certain that he is dissatisfied with the progress of the attack and the efficiency of the body search, or he wants to rush to seek credit.

So, here's their chance...

The veteran's emotions gradually became agitated, "Boy, although we said that this time, it is very likely that we will disappear so vaguely, but have you ever thought about it, if we have a chance to survive, our future will be unlimited! 99

"Prepare for me, hold your knife and be ready at all times!"

"But, brother, let's rush up, didn't we expose the other brothers?" The recruit Danzi said hesitantly.

"You know how well you know, we won't wait for us to take the initiative to go up later, the general will issue an order, why don't you rush?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

The new recruit Danzi was particularly puzzled and full of doubts.

"You Qin people are really, screeching, and staring at the gate of the enemy's camp, and you are so timid as a mouse, no wonder you will be defeated by our steppe warriors, all of them are greedy and fearful. Death is not a pity! 35

After he finished saying these words, the rebellious Qin veteran in front of him had a helpless expression, "If all of you, the Huns, fought as bluntly as you did, the Qin people would not be able to unite the six countries, let alone the six countries. It is possible to establish such a large regime state."

"It's just good luck. If my Xiongnu tribe can also have warriors to help, it must be easy to unify your land in the Central Plains."

The rebellious Qin veteran snorted with disdain, "I'm not ashamed to say it!"

"You Daqin people are really tough.

"Laozi is not in the mood to mess around with you any longer.

The strong man in the mink coat said viciously, "I'll kill you first if the fighter is delayed."

"No matter how unbearable the Qin people are, they died for their own country, but you are different. You have even forgotten the country that raised you behind you. People like you have been dead since ancient times."

The old Qin general lost his temper, "It doesn't matter if I die, as long as I can help you Khans achieve great things, everything is worth it, I want everyone in the world to see that you Huns, without the help of the Qin people, still can't win. An inch of land in the Central Plains.35

"The Huns have always been no more than a barbarian state, without the ability to run a country, but only good at riding and shooting!

After he finished speaking, the Xiongnu general in front of him became angry, "Shut up!"

"You're not something a dog is."

"Believe it or not, I kill you, and then use your cooperation with the enemy to delay the fighter plane and kill you?"

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