Chapter 331 Despair

"Defend against foreign aggression and gather national strength to establish the world. 55

"The world is unified, and the four seas return to the heart.""

"The heaven rises to the kingdom, and all nations come to the dynasty. 35

"I'll wait until I'm about to die, and achieve great things."

After General Li said these words, even the general of the six countries in front of him opened his mouth and said, "Since the general said so, then I have to give the general a pleasure."

"That's what it looks like."

"It's not easy to see you climb from a soldier to a leader of the army today. This is your ability, but you must remember, keep your eyes open, and take a good look at your master. What you do is right. Is it wrong, only future generations can comment.99

"Go ahead!"

After Li Baoshi finished saying this sentence at 11, he even said it.

The general of the Six Nations in front of him was stunned for a while, and it took a while to recover.

"You mean..."

After he finished saying these words, he said sharply: "Where are you!"


The generals of the six countries had a ruthless expression, "Give me a glass of poisoned wine."

"To this loyal and righteous man of Daqin, General Li Baoshi."

After saying these words, he watched helplessly as General Li Baoshi in front of him drank this glass of poisonous wine, and then shattered the glass in his hand.

"General Li, for you to walk with dignity, this is the only way I can do it.

"Go! Years

With that said, he led the troops away.

But in the eyes of Li Baoshi, who had not yet developed the toxicity, the place he led his troops away was not the frontal battlefield between the Six Nations and the Qin Army, but the place where Yingchuan County was located in the back.

"The garrisoned army in Yingchuan County...that group of bastards...eggs, really went to the enemy..."

After he said these words intermittently, the poison erupted, and a large amount of blood flowed out from the corners of his eyes, and then slowly fell to the ground, the breath gradually disappeared.

On the pile of corpses, he said weakly: "Your Majesty, the last general, do your best..."

"Enemy attack!'""

"Enemy attack! 99

"The Huns and horses have attacked again!"

After he said these words, Zhao Wugen, who was carrying the First Emperor in front of him, became even more desperate, "My God, is this, is God punishing us Da Qin? 35

"Could it be that the emperor of Da Qin is going to die here today?"

"Our troops are less than 10,000 people, and the rest of the brothers have all been scattered, and they have become wandering soldiers, no longer able to fight.

"Weapons, armor, bows, and crossbows are all badly damaged, and there is no food and grass. The current situation has become a dead end!""

Zhao Wugen said angrily, "Could it be that I, Daqin, have no soldiers to fight, can I defend against the Xiongnu in the north?

As his roar fell, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "It's not actually like this, as long as Emperor Shi 867 doesn't die, the world can still be stable.

"The various tricks of the protector of the country, the beast Baihei, have not been used. Once the holy beast Baihu and all kinds of strange soldiers are dispatched, they will be able to wipe out all the Huns!

After he finished speaking these words, Zhao Wugen, who was in front of him, stared at him fiercely and said, "It's all this time, you still expect that bear?

"In my opinion, it is he who deceives the government and is harmless to people and animals. In fact, he hides evil intentions and does wicked things wholeheartedly, and this is the reason for the retribution from God."

"White and black don't die, the world can't be peaceful!""

"You can't say that, in case the emperor is in a coma and hears..."

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