Chapter 327

It is extremely absurd to be a dignified veteran of the Qin Dynasty and a hundred wars, but now he is taking the initiative to join forces with the northern Xiongnu barbarians.

No matter what kind of hardships he has, betrayal is a capital offense.

The strict laws of Daqin will not condone such a sloppy life in the world.

At this moment, the army of the Six Nations and the Xiongnu are directly behind.

Li Baoshi from Shangdang County was caught in a tough fight.

It was almost evening, and the soldiers were exhausted physically and mentally, running out of ammunition and food.

Since their war horses were shot and killed by Yingchuan from Gongnuqiang County, they suffered heavy casualties.

A large number of soldiers were killed.

Having lost their horses, they were even more powerless to fight under the heavy siege of the armies of the Six Nations.

In a desperate situation, they rely on their tenacious will, and now there are only less than 10% of the tens of thousands of elite iron cavalry troops left.

Today's Li Baoshi is even more difficult to carry the seriously wounded and dying lieutenant general and kill him.

He himself was not much better, the battle armor on his body was already covered with slashes of different depths, and blood could not stop gushing out from the cracks, unable to restrain it.

Why do people in Yingchuan County take action against their own people?

"Han Sangui, I'll be your ancestor" "!"9

"If I survive, Laozi will behead your dog!"

Li Baoshi's eyes were full of red anger, looking at the troops of the Six Nations chasing behind him, he was even more indignant, "Brothers, we were tragically plotted by the enemy, and we will die soon!

"I didn't expect that we could not die under the enemy's sword in the end, but fell on the cold arrow of our own family."

"Daqin treats me well, but now there are traitors, and there are many sins, so damn it!"

" chance.

"Brothers, if there are still people alive after this battle, please report this matter to Your Majesty Mingcha, and the perpetrators will be severely punished!

He has seen through the meaning of the situation in front of him.

Of course, almost all the fighting soldiers present also understood what he meant.

Since the thieves of Yingchuan County dared to shoot cold arrows at their own people in broad daylight, they are not afraid of their revenge, because their bow and crossbow are powerful, and they will make a big mistake when they make a shot, which is a capital crime.

In this way, if you leave a living mouth, you will leave a handle, and the laws of Daqin will have no room to drill.

Li Baoshi was not sure how they would do it, but there was always a trace of respect for the state's majesty in his heart, and no matter how absurd and unintentional they were, they would not dare to openly challenge the state's prestige.

After a hard fight and the fall of countless relatives and soldiers of Shangdang County, they were finally surrounded by troops from the six countries, and a hole was torn open.

".. brothers, go!

After he finished speaking, the Da Qin soldiers took their last breaths and rushed towards the crack frantically.

This is the only hope.

Once dashed over, it will be able to unite with the infantry team behind to form a strong barrier.

At the same time, the Shangdang County infantry team at the back was also fighting hard against the troops encircling the six countries. At this time, they (Qian Wangzhao) were trapped by the main general, their morale was low, and they had no fighting strength at all.


"Kill! 55

Exhausted roaring toilet.

Unrelenting anger.

The most hated is the secret arrow, and the secret arrow that comes to your side hurts people even more hateful.

A large number of Qin soldiers rushed up as if they were dying, and they regarded death as home.

The army of the Six Nations was unable to hold back the edge at this moment, and quickly set up a defensive position, but it was more conducive to the Qin army to break out.

It worked.

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