Chapter 30 Cruel fight!

The gloomy-faced General Udi's eyes suddenly became incomparably sharp, and the First Emperor realized that something was wrong.

Whoosh whoosh-

The roaring sound of the breaking wind resounded!

"Be careful, Your Majesty!"

The three or five strong men beside him hurriedly carried large shields to block the front of the First Emperor, and the surrounding was tight.

The poisonous arrows of the Xiongnu slammed into the shield quickly.

The soldiers of the Qin army flew to build a shield formation to defend against all attacks.

The Xiongnu's arrows have long been exhausted under the previous several wars, and now there are few left. After one shot, they are quickly exhausted, and there are no more arrows to use.

Although the Qin soldiers tried to block it, they could not avoid some arrows flying into the flesh and blood of the crowd by taking advantage of the gap.

After the poison attack, many Qin soldiers fell to the ground on the spot.


With a bang, he pulled out his machete and shouted a powerful roar. General Udi rushed forward in front of everyone.

A large number of Xiongnu cavalry have long been ready to move, and at this moment, they are even more insane, and they rushed forward one by one, vowing to make the enemy die miserably.

However, when they were approaching, the sound of an arrow breaking off the string suddenly sounded!

jump jump jump!

Countless Daqin crossbow arrows flew out from the dark, knocking down a large area in an instant.

The Xiongnu cavalry suddenly turned on their backs, and even the cavalry team behind them were stumped on the ground when they rushed up, and the chaos was beyond appearance.

The first emperor emerged from the protection, but he did not expect that a cold arrow suddenly shot over, wiped the edge of his ear, and blood flowed out.

The arrow was poisonous. Seeing this, the surrounding Black Ice Platform soldiers quickly carried him down.

But he broke free, waved the sharp blade in his hand, insisted on boosting morale, and led the soldiers of Da Qin to fight.

They were afraid that the first emperor would have three strengths and two weaknesses, so that they would kill the enemy more bravely, intending to completely suppress the opponent.

Success or failure is hard to tell.

After a moment of fierce battle between the two sides, the Xiongnu cavalry completely changed from the disadvantage at the beginning, and slowly gave play to the advantages of the cavalry.

Crash, trample, slaughter!

The saber was deadly, and the saber used was long and heavy, but extremely sharp, and it could almost split a person in half with a single blow.

··For flowers....

But the disadvantage is also very obvious, because it is too heavy, it often takes a lot of effort to swing once, and when swinging, the speed is very slow, and it is easy to be dodged.

"Your Majesty, withdraw! 35

"The enemy army is coming, and the cavalry are all elite troops. Our three battalions have survived several battles on the front line, with a total of only 50,000 people, and they are no match for these cavalry. 35


"Evacuate as soon as possible, and there is still a chance of life.

"A spies came to report that the enemy's cavalry was rapidly flanking us on both sides, trying to surround us, the brothers were desperately killing the enemy, but it was still to no avail. The speed of the cavalry was too fast to be stopped...

"You are the king of a country. If you don't withdraw, you will be besieged here, and the situation will be serious!"9

"So what? 35

"I'm a soldier of the Great Qin, why should I be afraid of the Huns and barbarians? 35'


Daqin's spies came hurriedly, knelt on the ground, his face full of frustration, "General, Your Majesty, something is bad!

"What's wrong?" the general couldn't help but ask.

"The enemy, the enemy has cut our way, we are now completely surrounded..." Knife,

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