I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 290 Soldiers of Shangdang County

Chapter 290 Soldiers of Shangdang County

At this moment, Li Baoshi moved with his army. Due to the special location of the battlefield, a large number of enemy troops were deployed outside Handan County. They marched quickly through the road, and they were bound to be separated from the reinforcements in the direction of Yingchuan County. look forward to each other.

The distance between the reinforcements from the two counties and counties was actually not too far, and it seemed that they were attacking the Huns mixed with the armies of the Six Nations from the same direction.

In this way, there is a kind of bluff of "843", and it gives the other party an illusion of a million masters in Daqin. Such an amazing deterrence is unexpected.

As they slowly realized this, even when they opened their mouths and said, "The battle situation ahead is urgent, marching fast, and delaying the military situation are all guilty!"

"This is the battle of national prestige of our Daqin Jiangshan Sheji. If we win, all of you will be heroes of Daqin."9

Li Baoshi said instead: "On weekdays, don't you always complain about the weakness of the Six Nations' armies and despise them? Now, I'll give you a chance to make military contributions."

"Just ahead, on the wilderness battlefield outside Handan County, Da Qin's iron cavalry has been fighting for several days.

"Who was hit, do you know?"

No one in the hurried marching team looked at him, but he still said proudly: "The ones who fought against the defenders of Liaodong, who had no good intentions, actually wanted to take revenge on Da Qin, To be in the company of the barbarian Xiongnu, and to throw away the dignity of my Han people, I should kill him, it is not an exaggeration! 35

"Daqin treats them well, you often complain that you are in a city near the capital of Xianyang, too peaceful, not chaotic enough, not fighting, not enough military merit, not much good treatment, and the military rations allocated by the imperial court is also a piece of Years are getting shorter, day and night, for fear that there will be no battles, and the body will be raised.35

"And now, the military merit is in front of you, and it is a good opportunity for you to go into battle to kill the enemy. After this battle, the ones who stay behind will be the tigers and wolves of the Daqin soldiers, the elite of the elite.

"Da Qin!

"Da Qin!""

"Wan Sheng!""

"Kill the Huns!

"Definite the rebels!

The roar resounding through the sky shook the world.

Li Baoshi rode a war horse, and then boasted to the soldiers around him: "Lieutenant General Wang, do you know that the Huns eat beef and mutton all the year round, they are strong and strong, and when they go to war, where is their strength?

Just listening to Vice Admiral Wang nodded and smiled, "Of course I know.

"The Huns gathered grassland tribes and fed on cattle and sheep, but they lived on horseback all year round and lived as nomads. They were best at riding, shooting, slashing, and paying attention to the concept of one-shot death."

"On the other hand, Daqin is famous for fighting in phalanx of infantry, and is good at large-scale battles with positions. Even the heavy armor and the thickest shield cannot completely resist the large-scale impact of the Huns.""

Li Baoshi nodded and said, "Battles against cavalry by infantry are inherently disadvantageous. In the past, victory was won, but luckily it was only because of the large number of people and the well-equipped weapons."

"Apart from that, I really can't think of any other way to deal with the Huns' cavalry.99

"Their horses are stronger and faster than ours. It's not that Xianyang has no cavalry, it's just that our cavalry is too young in tactics compared to the Huns who live on horseback all the year round." "

"With the strength of the enemy, the weakness of the enemy can be controlled." 2.2

"Cavalry against cavalry, it doesn't work."

Vice Admiral Wang thought and said: "But it is not inadvisable to fight against the cavalry in a phalanx of infantry. This is our strength."

"Although it is said that the cavalry is invincible on the plains, but in fact it has great shortcomings. Once it enters a complicated area and cannot be used for horses to run, the Huns have to dismount and fight with us even if they have great ability.

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