Chapter 288 Get rid of the spies

"There are just too many suspicious places."

"How did they know that I was with the army? 35

"That's all, how did the Huns know the exact location of our camp in the army?

It turned out that before the first emperor went on the expedition, a minister suggested that he should not leak half a word of the secret. For this reason, the tent where he lived was deviated from the main camp, and a small tent was built in another inconspicuous place. They were heavily guarded, but they were all secret posts, and all the soldiers from the Black Ice Platform were hiding behind their backs.

In order not to arouse suspicion from others.

Even in 843, even many Great Qin soldiers did not know that this humble tent was actually the current sage.

This is something they never dare to think about.

But even if it is not very conspicuous, it does not mean that this place is not safe, on the contrary, it is the safest place.

There is no special person to guard, but it will not arouse suspicion.

But in fact, the secret soldiers of the Black Ice Terrace have already been ambushed. Once the enemy army breaks through, the nature of the secret defense here is no weaker than the deterrent effect of tens of thousands of troops.

Here are all the murder traps that have been laid out.

There are basically very few people who come here and get out alive.

Yao Yao thought that the cook who came here on the wrong way at the beginning was just because he accidentally hit this tent and was wiped with a knife.

Because if the news of the First Emperor's personal expedition spreads, Daqin soldiers will think that this is a war that has shaken the country's capital, and their morale will inevitably be frustrated, so this news must not be leaked.

He was actually right to think so, but in the end he missed an important point.

That's a spy inside.

When the first emperor heard the news, his shocked eyes could not wait to jump out.

"How, how is this possible?"

"Beside the emperor, there are still enemy spies to make trouble?"

"Is the information wrong, how is this possible?

The first emperor was absolutely right. The people he brought (bbcc) on this expedition were all the elite Qin soldiers guarding Xianyang in his own hands, and he did not leave any holes for the other party to exploit.

But the fact told him that flies do not bite seamless eggs, even if he thought it could be drilled seamlessly, in the end, the Huns still forced the Huns to drill a hole.

In an instant, his suspicious eyes glanced at the people in front of him.

"You stay, the others, let me out.

After he left this person behind, he immediately said, "Who is the spy?"

"This, this minister doesn't know, it shouldn't..."

"What do I want you for?"

The First Emperor said angrily: "The famous warriors of the Black Ice Terrace, the ace battalion of intelligence spying, did not even know that a spy of the Huns had infiltrated in the end. What a shame for the Qin people! 35

After roaring these words, he covered his head, rubbed his aching temples, and said with all his might, "Check.

"Check it out for me one by one, don't let anyone let go."

"The tent is temporarily closed, and no one can let it go. Without my order, anyone who leaves the camp without permission will be killed without mercy.

"Here! 35

After the general of the Black Ice Platform really obeyed, he immediately turned and left.

The first emperor was left alone, breathing rapidly, but his mouth kept muttering, and his face was a little distorted because of the extreme anger.

"The daring Xiongnu actually hit me on the head..."

"What a guts and a big appetite!"

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