Chapter 286 Burn it


General Meng Kuo couldn't say anything, even he himself had never seen such a situation before.

How could the battle be fought like this?

In the end, these Daqin soldiers failed to fall under the enemy's blade smoothly on the battlefield, but instead were bitten to death by these swarms of sharp teeth.

It's really not worth it!

He was filled with resentment.

"You guys, hurry up, get your tools, right here, dig a big hole and fill it with dry wood chips. 99

Daqin soldiers really acted immediately11.

After a while, a simple hole was dug out, and everyone present understood what General Mengkuo's order meant, and no one questioned.

"Take out all the contaminated armor and throw it into that pit!"

After the little general guessed that General Meng Tian wanted to do this, his face turned blue, "General Meng, are you going to burn these poisonous insects?

"That's right, only by burning them all can we eliminate hidden dangers, it's really dangerous.

"God knows what these worms are, so what do the Huns feed them on weekdays, how poisonous they are, and how aggressive they are, we hardly know anything about it."

"This kind of dangerous thing, it's better to burn it up sooner."

As soon as General Meng Tian's words fell, he could only see this man kneeling on the ground, "General Meng, under the joint attack of the Xiongnu and Donghu and even the rebels of the six countries that they rebelled against, the foundation of our Daqin has been shaken, and now there are many soldiers and soldiers. We have tried our best to fight the enemy, but we still can't bring down the enemy..."

"These are all the armors worn by the soldiers of the Great Qin when they fought. The enemy troops are hard to deal with, so if they lose their armor, they will face them after they are removed. If you block directly with your physical body, isn't it going to send you to death?"

General Mengkuo hesitated for a moment, "Okay, then dismantle me, throw all the armor on my body with black juice, and attract as many poisonous insects as it can. 99

"General, I'd better go. The last commander is agile. Even if I don't have the armor, the enemy can't hurt me on the battlefield, so let the last commander go..."

I saw a young soldier in black armor walking up, and behind him, there were actually dozens of people who followed and shouted: "Tun Chang, we have to go too!"

"When you were young, you became the head of the colony, isn't it good?"

Meng Tian couldn't help admiring: "You and your brothers are terrifying, then you and your brothers will be unarmed, which is considered a military merit, and I will ask for a reward for you later.

"Thank you General!

After thanking them with their hands, they unloaded the battle armor that was wrapped in layers on their bodies.

"Bugs, follow your grandfather's armor and go to hell together!"

After he finished speaking, he could only see that he threw the battle armor in his hand piece by piece.

The hole fills up quickly.

Wearing black armor covered with black 840 juice, after they took off their battle armor, they just wore a suit of chain armor, their body size instantly decreased by half, and they looked a little thin. to what good fruit to eat.

Maybe losing one's life is an extremely common thing.

"It's all good!"

General Mengkuo patted their shoulders, "Go down first.

A few people quickly went back to the camp from the side, but none of the bed bugs around them caught up.

It is precisely because the armor with black juice has been taken off, there is no smell that attracts them at this moment.

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