Chapter 284 Poisonous insects!

Because it's too intrusive.

I don't even know why these things suddenly appeared.


Two more Great Qin soldiers died tragically under the collective devour of the insects, turning into one after another of white bones, with fresh flesh and blood residue, extremely terrifying.

Suddenly, General Mengkuo saw the brazier next to him, and a large number of insects avoided it when they approached, so he shouted: "Fire!"

"Get the torches!"

"These bugs are afraid of fire!

After the sound fell, it was really only a few men who came forward with a large number of torches to disperse the insects.

The effect is particularly remarkable, under the illumination of the torch, the scorching temperature makes it impossible for these icy bugs to approach – come over.

What these bugs fear most is fire.

After briefly controlling the situation, the worms stared at the numerous Great Qin soldiers in front of them with their dark eyes, as if they were about to drool.

No plans to leave at all.

However, at this time, several larger braziers were also moved over and placed on the ground in front of them, dispersing most of the insects, forming an encirclement, isolating all the Daqin soldiers inside, ensuring their lives. Safe, and successfully isolated the large group of bugs outside.

This is simply more threatening than an army of thousands of horses.

General Mengkuo said in a panic: "These damned beasts are surrounded here, we can't get away, what if the Huns attack at this time?"

"Emergency situations are hard to guard against!""

A soldier couldn't help but spit out the stench, "What the hell is wrong with these disgusting things, aren't they hanging around here?"

After he finished saying these words, a soldier from outside walked in. There was no torch beside him, let alone a brazier to protect him, but he stood directly behind and looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

"General Meng, what's going on here?"

The stunned look on the soldier's face, he couldn't believe that such a huge group of insects was staring at the soldiers of Daqin.

There were still a few corpses with only armor and bones left on the ground. It really seemed that the scene was too strange and disgusting.

"Don't talk, quickly find a place with fire, don't stand still, run away?

··For flowers....

General Meng Kuo shouted loudly, trying to remind the Great Qin soldier who didn't know the situation.

But the soldier came forward to convey the order because of the order, "General, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms are attacking again, Your Majesty orders you to send troops to meet them!


Meng Kuo looked helpless, "But you see, there are so many bugs here, I have no chance to leave here at all. 99

"what happened?

The Da Qin soldier stepped forward suspiciously and stepped on a bug at will, but there was no response at all.

"and many more?'

The soldier beside him was about to warn him not to do so, but Meng Kuo suddenly waved his hand to stop him.

"As if the bugs didn't intend to hurt him?"

"Their target seems to be us, even if he tramples them to death, he might not bite him.

After Meng Tian finished saying these words, the people around came to understand that it was because of the juice that the Huns had just sprayed on him and others.

"Hurry up, call someone, bring a torch and burn these ugly things, hurry up!" Knife.

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