Chapter 276

Brother Niu said in surprise: "Master, how dare you accept this, you go into battle to kill the enemy, and risk your life to maintain the integrity of Daqin's territory..."

"Can't I take your money back at this time?"

"what is this?"

But the general said: "If you don't eat your steamed buns for nothing, you can just put them away, so where's the nonsense?


"No more nonsense, believe it or not, I will smoke you? 35

He looked at the person in front of him with anger on his face, but couldn't say the next word.

"Then...11...Thank you General, I will bring the things as soon as possible."

After he finished saying these words, the general of the Qin army nodded, "Work hard, you will be rewarded. 35

After saying that, he went out.

Leave the three to continue working here.

"Have you heard?"

Brother Niu looked at the people in front of him, and said slowly: "If you want to live to receive the reward, hurry up and do it well."

So the three really started to get busy.

Two people clean up and one cooks on fire.

After a while, a large amount of white smoke began to emerge from the pot.


There are often voices of soldiers talking outside.

But they were forcibly stopped by the two goalkeepers standing at the door, and they were not allowed to come in.

Before dinner time, they hardly dared to violate the rules.

What's more, preparations have already been made.

The experienced brother Niu had long expected that someone would smell the fragrance and come to trouble, so he gave each of the two goalkeepers at the door a yellow-faced bun in advance.

Every meal of the Qin army is rationed, and how much each soldier eats is basically the same.

This approach is relatively fair, but it is also relatively unfair, because some people eat more, some people eat less, and the amount of food is different, which will lead to people who eat less and have too much leftover, while those who eat a lot can't eat enough. Case.

This is a very important question.

But no one is willing to stand up to solve it.

The Qin army's system was actually feasible at that time, but in the long run, the drawbacks were also very obvious. Too standardized regulations would cause dissatisfaction among the soldiers.

It is not allowed to replace it without permission, and it is not allowed to waste food.

After many soldiers went to the battlefield, after fighting for a long time and fighting hard, it was inevitable that starvation would occur in advance.

And this situation is quite common.

Especially at a time like the one in front of me, when they just came back from the war, most of the soldiers were all alone and hungry, waiting outside.

Of course, most of the Daqin soldiers are rough people who don't know the etiquette. In their opinion, fighting for Daqin's life is a matter of course. In turn, Daqin gives them a full meal, which is also what they should get. reward.

It can't be missing.

Otherwise, the prestige of Da 833 Qin will be greatly reduced.

And this brother Niu hides so many yellow-faced buns in private, it is really like a treasure for these troops, it is a rare thing.

I want one from him to go back, hot and steamy, take a bite, drink water, and tamp it!

Relieve their hunger!

Therefore, it is precisely because of this reason that so many people are respectful to Brother Niu after receiving his yellow-faced buns.

Hungry is unbearable.

Having enough to eat is more important than anything else. In this war years, even being a full-fledged ghost is as hard as heaven.

To be able to eat and live is to live like a fairy.

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